The world is full of naysayers:

You can’t do this, you can’t do that.
No one can work from home.
You need to learn code in order to design a website.
You can’t build a website in 4 hours.

But you know better, right?

What you have seen
it’s not a way to work.
It’s the way to work.

And that’s only what you can do
with one WordPress pre-built website.
Possibilities are virtually endless
with 250+ out of the box WordPress sites.

Time sheet for building a typical website
with BeTheme

Analyzing the client's brief and asking questions
Analyzing competitors' websites
Creating the site architecture
Choose fonts and colors scheme
Preparing content, images and links
Editing a BeTheme pre-built website

Will you choose to build a website in 4 hours?

Start by picking a pre-built website
power elite

Be WordPress Theme was crafted by an Envato Power Elite Author.

top 5

It is a Themeforest Top 5 seller since NASA announced that liquid water has been found on Mars. September 2015 that is.


If the number of people who bought Be Theme where a population, then Be Theme would be the size of Greenland.

5 stars

A 4 out 5 stars is a good rating. But 4.79 stars out of 5 is stellar.

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