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Guide to Install WordPress on SiteGround

June 4, 2024

Guide to Install WordPress on SiteGround

By Albert Ślusarczyk

Looking to install WordPress on SiteGround? This article provides you with a step-by-step guide to quickly set up your WordPress site on one of the most reliable hosting platforms. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced webmaster, you’ll find the process straightforward and easy to follow. No fluff – just the exact steps you need to take to get your website up and running on SiteGround.

Key Takeaways

  • SiteGround offers a variety of hosting plans suitable for different WordPress needs, with the GrowBig plan providing on-demand backups and faster PHP, which are crucial for a dynamic and secure WordPress site.
  • The WordPress Starter plugin by SiteGround aids users in customizing their site through a step-by-step setup wizard, which includes theme selection and plugin recommendations, simplifying the process for users of all expertise levels.
  • Regular updates and security measures, such as scheduled automatic backups and spam protection, are essential for maintaining and protecting a WordPress site, ensuring its performance and safeguarding against threats.

Quick Start: Install WordPress on SiteGround in Minutes

Stepping into the digital world with your very own WordPress site is a breeze with SiteGround. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log into the SiteGround client area.
  2. Let the seamless WordPress installation process unfold.
  3. With just a few clicks, you’ll access the Site Tools.
  4. Be on your way to launching your new WordPress site in minutes.

Whether you’re a seasoned web guru or a first-time site owner, SiteGround’s intuitive setup wizard or Softaculous in the App Installer will be your trusty companions. Embrace the simplicity and convenience that allows you to install WordPress without breaking a sweat, heralding the start of an exciting digital venture.

Selecting Your Hosting Plan and Domain

The foundation of a robust WordPress site begins with selecting the right hosting plan and domain on SiteGround. Dive into the New Website section, where a spectrum of hosting plans awaits your decision. Whether you opt for the StartUp Plan, the GrowBig Plan, or the GoGeek Plan, each offers distinct features tailored to your needs.

However, for WordPress aficionados, the GrowBig Plan is often the star of the show, offering on-demand backups and faster PHP – essential for a WordPress website that’s both agile and secure. While the domain might seem like a simple choice, it’s the bedrock of your online identity. Keep in mind that domain privacy and SSL certificates, though not the focus here, are the guardians of your site’s credibility and visitor trust.

Accessing Site Tools for Installation

Navigate through the labyrinth of your SiteGround account to the Websites section, your gateway to the Site Tools. Here, under the watchful eye of the Devs tab, the App Installer awaits your command. With a flourish, you can unleash the power of WordPress on your hosting setup, a testament to SiteGround’s commitment to simplicity and user-friendliness. To ensure a secure experience, it’s essential to create admin credentials. If needed, you can also reinstall WordPress through the same process by clicking on the site tools button.

As you stand at the precipice of digital creation, these tools serve as your trusted allies, ensuring that your new WordPress site is not just a figment of imagination but a soon-to-be reality.

Launching Your New WordPress Site

With the stage set and the spotlight on you, it’s time to bring your WordPress site to life. Hit the “Complete” button to finalize installing WordPress and witness the birth of your new digital domain. If the thought of designing your site seems daunting, let the WordPress Starter plugin be your guide, offering a treasure trove of pre-designed templates and easy site-building features.

Choose from a curated selection of themes that resonate with your vision, setting the tone for your site’s aesthetic and user experience. Whether you’re building a minimalist blog or an expansive e-commerce platform, these hand-picked templates ensure that your first steps into the digital landscape are taken with confidence.

Personalizing Your WordPress Experience

Bask in the glow of your newly minted WordPress site, a canvas awaiting your personal touch. With SiteGround’s WordPress Starter plugin, you’re not left to wander the customization woods alone. A step-by-step wizard will guide you through the nuances of theme selection and plugin suggestions, ensuring that your site not only functions seamlessly but also reflects your unique flair. Our team is experienced in handling various WordPress installations, so you can trust us to provide the best guidance for your website.

Whether you’re crafting the next trendsetting blog or shaping an online store, the Full Site Editor and WordPress Theme Customizer are your loyal companions, offering live previews and block-based layout customization to manifest your vision into reality.

Choosing a WordPress Theme

The quest for the perfect WordPress theme can take you through the vast expanses of the WordPress Theme Directory or trusted marketplaces. Here, you’ll encounter a myriad of free and premium options, each promising to elevate your site’s design. Ponder the essence of your brand and let it guide your choice, for the theme you select not only dresses your website in visual splendor but also shapes your online presence with a free domain.

Within the realm of theme customization, the Site Identity settings beckon, offering you the power to etch your site’s title and tagline into the digital fabric of the internet, thus defining how your brand is perceived by the world.

Enhancing Functionality with Plugins

The alchemy of a successful WordPress site lies in its plugins, those magical extensions that transform a simple site into a multifaceted platform. Add premium plugins like Monster Insights and Yoast SEO to sharpen your site’s marketing edge with enhanced SEO capabilities.

For a dose of efficiency and a boost in SEO, look to the SEO Optimized Images plugin to automate the update of ‘alt’ and ‘title’ tags, saving you time and elevating your site’s image in the eyes of search engines.

Embrace the versatility of the All-Inclusive Jetpack, a plugin that bestows upon your site a suite of features to refine its functionality, ensuring that your digital presence stands out in a crowded online marketplace.

Crafting Your First Content

Venture into the heart of your WordPress site, the dashboard, where the seeds of content are sown. Here, in the ‘Posts’ section, lies the ‘Add New’ button, your gateway to creating rich and engaging posts adorned with text, images, and multimedia. Titles, categories, and tags are the guiding stars of your content, leading visitors through your site with ease and bolstering your SEO efforts.

Pages, the bastions of static content, await your command under ‘Pages > Add New’, inviting you to craft timeless entries like ‘About Us’ or ‘Contact’ that define your site’s character. With a page template and a featured image in hand, each page you create becomes a portal, inviting visitors to explore deeper into your site.

Once you’re ready to share your vision with the world, the ‘Publish’ button eagerly awaits your click, marking the beginning of your site’s journey to captivate and engage an ever-growing audience.

Optimizing Your WordPress Website for Visitors

Now that your WordPress site is adorned with themes and brimming with content, it’s time to turn your gaze toward search engine optimization for your site visitors. A digital masterpiece must not only captivate but also be accessible and swift to navigate. Through the art of SEO optimization, your site will not only charm visitors but also court search engines, ascending the ranks to become a beacon of relevance and authority in your niche.

The tapestry of your site’s content, interwoven with high-quality, regular updates, not only engages your audience but also signals to search engines that your site is a fount of fresh insights. Finally, a responsive design ensures that your site’s allure translates seamlessly across devices, offering a user-friendly experience that keeps visitors returning.

Ensuring Fast Load Times

Speed is the pulse of a website, and SiteGround’s SuperCacher is the lifeblood that ensures your WordPress site remains vibrant and responsive. Coupled with the efficiency of Memcached, your site’s dynamic content is swiftly stored in server RAM, reducing load times to mere moments.

Embrace the future of web browsing with SiteGround’s CDN, the HTTP2 protocol, and the latest PHP updates, as they converge to propel your site at breakneck speeds. Compress, cache, minify, and optimize; these are the mantras of a website that loads in the blink of an eye, ensuring that your visitors’ experience is never hindered by the sands of time.

Making Your Site Search Engine Friendly

The path to search engine enlightenment begins with crafting permalinks that are not only descriptive but also rich with relevant keywords, illuminating the way for both visitors and search engines to grasp the essence of your pages. In the realm of WordPress, the ‘Permalinks’ section under ‘Settings’ is your sanctuary, where you may weave a custom URL structure that sings to the tune of SEO.

Short and sweet is the key; for the top-ranking URLs dance to the rhythm of 59 characters, sans stop words, leading to a harmonious indexing by search engines. As you sculpt your site’s content, let the h1 tag crown your post titles while the h2 and h3 tags serve as stepping stones, guiding search engines through the hierarchy of your insights.

Advanced WordPress Setup Techniques

With the foundations laid and your site’s allure refined, it’s time to delve into the advanced techniques that will elevate your WordPress site from a simple platform to an online powerhouse. These strategies are the gears that drive an e-commerce engine or the safeguards that shield your site during updates and restorations.

Whether it’s transforming a blog into a bustling marketplace with WooCommerce or ensuring a seamless update process, these advanced techniques are your arsenal for a robust and versatile online presence.

Customizing Permalinks for Better SEO

In the pursuit of SEO mastery, customizing your permalinks is akin to charting a clear map for your visitors and search engines alike. The heart of this operation lies within the WordPress dashboard, where the ‘Permalinks’ settings await your strategic choices. As you sculpt your URLs to perfection, remember that any changes to published pages must be accompanied by 301 redirects, ensuring that no link leads astray and that search engines follow the updated paths.

With the might to manually tailor individual post and page permalinks, you wield the power to infuse your content with SEO-rich keywords, enhancing visibility and making each entry a beacon of relevance.

Setting Up Contact Forms

Open the door to dialogue with your audience through the implementation of contact forms, the silent sentinels that collect user information and inquiries. With plugins like WPForms or Contact Form 7, you can embed these interactive fields directly into your WordPress site, turning every post or page into a potential conversation starter.

The key to a seamless communication flow is configuring email notifications, ensuring that every message from your users is received and acknowledged promptly, keeping the lines of engagement open and active.

Maintaining and Updating Your WordPress Site

The journey of a WordPress site is one of constant evolution, and maintenance is the compass that guides its steady course. With SiteGround’s bespoke WordPress Autoupdate tool, your site is not just updated but also backed up, with each update checked for harmony and functionality.

This vigilant approach to updates and backups is the bulwark against obsolescence and vulnerability, ensuring your site remains a bastion of security and performance.

Regular Updates and Backups

In the digital realm, updates are the elixir that bestows longevity and resilience upon your WordPress site. Regular updates harmonize your site with modern standards, ensuring compatibility with the latest technologies and fortifying the walls against security breaches.

As you navigate the seas of content and functionality, scheduled automatic backups serve as your lifeboats, ready to restore order in times of turmoil. Test these backups, for reliability is the beacon that guides you safely through unexpected storms.

Security Measures to Protect Your Site

The sanctity of your WordPress site is paramount, and security measures are the guardians of this sacred space. Spam protection in contact forms serves as the first line of defense, repelling the onslaught of unwelcome bots and preserving the integrity of your communications.

Beyond the ramparts of spam filters, the diligent practice of creating strong passwords, enabling SSL certificates, and utilizing offsite backup storage weave an impenetrable web of safety around your digital haven.


As we reach the end of this digital odyssey, remember that the creation, personalization, optimization, and maintenance of your WordPress site on SiteGround is a journey of continuous learning and growth. From the quick and easy installation to the artful customization, vigilant optimization, and diligent upkeep, your site is a reflection of your dedication and creativity. Embrace these practices, for they are the stepping stones to building a website that not only exists but thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I consider when choosing a hosting plan for my WordPress site on SiteGround?

Consider features like on-demand backups, PHP processing speeds, and staging environments when choosing a hosting plan for your WordPress site on SiteGround. The GrowBig Plan is a popular choice for its balanced performance and value.

Can I use premium themes with the WordPress Starter plugin?

Yes, you can use premium themes with the WordPress Starter plugin to give your site a professional and polished appearance.

How can I improve the load times of my WordPress site on SiteGround?

To improve the load times of your WordPress site on SiteGround, activate SiteGround’s SuperCacher, use Memcached, leverage a CDN, ensure you’re using the latest PHP version, and optimize images and resources for a faster page load and better user experience.

What are the best practices for setting up permalinks on my WordPress site for SEO?

To set up permalinks for SEO on your WordPress site, use a custom structure with relevant keywords, keep URLs short and descriptive, and set up 301 redirects if you make changes after publishing to maintain SEO and prevent broken links.

How often should I back up my WordPress site, and should I store these backups on-site or off-site?

It’s recommended to schedule regular automatic backups and store them off-site to ensure you have recent backups in case of any issues with your server. Storing backups off-site also provides additional protection in case of hardware failures or security breaches.

Guide to Install WordPress on SiteGround

Albert Ślusarczyk

As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.