Beautiful Websites With Designs That Will Inspire You
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Beautiful Websites With Designs That Will Inspire You

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Minimalist website design: How not to overdo it
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It’s not that easy to design websites. Well-designed websites require plenty of in-depth planning.

Your organization is represented by its website, acting as a storyteller to your users. Beautiful websites target users’ emotions and boost your sales, while uninspired web designs will just confuse users or put them off.

Professionals web designers tend to have a few tricks up their sleeve. You can tell the difference between good and greatweb design training by looking at things such as insider knowledge, concealed hacks, and workflows that haven’t been won easily.

If you’re wanting to learn the secrets of how to design your website to get what you want from your users, look no further. This comprehensive guide will teach you about effective color use, page layout, ideal navigation form etc. We aim to provide you with everything necessary to create beautiful websites that will help your organization bloom.

A Clean, Engaging Website Design Invokes Trust

Have a Plan:


You can’t just dive straight in into website design. If you want to be certain that your users’ needs are being met by your website, you’ll have to map out your buyer's journey from their first visit to your website to their decision to become your user.

Which pages will be viewed by them, which content will be read by them, and which offers will win them over? Comprehending these things will enable you to design a website which helps nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Make use of what you’re already familiar with regarding your users (or interview them) and look into what transformed them from visitors to users. You should then use this info to map out your strategy.

Utilize clear calls to action:


What do you want people visiting your website to do? Purchase your products?Subscribe to your email newsletters?Donate money to a certain cause?

Put thought into your website’s buttons. Choose a design that will allow them to grab a visitor’s attention. Also, the button’s text has to be brief and get to the point.

For example, a button saying “Contact Us” should be found near the design’s end after the visitor has learned something about your organization, whereas a good spot for a “Learn More” button is above the design’s fold.

Make the layout simple:


The simpler the structure of the site, the easier it is for users to navigate. There needs to be a story behind every section; the user needs to see a reason and a final outcome. The purpose of the website’s layout is to draw attention to the most important parts of the story behind the content.

Your website shouldn’t contain a large number of calls to action. Instead, everything should lead to the final question of: ‘What am I able to do here?’

Think of the simplest layout imaginable for a simple purpose, and then begin to add any needed parts.

You’ll soon find out how challenging it is to keep everything simple.

Make Good Color Choices:


When choosing colors for your website, go for cohesive and complementary colors which aren’t on the bright and distractive side. One of the most fundamental mistakes you can make as a website designer is picking distracting colors that will only end up confusing your users that are trying to view your content.

If you don't know where to start with picking colors, just look at your logo. If you don't have a good logo, then use a logo maker.

If your website uses a lot of colors, that will hurt the users’ eyes.

Go for a color that will act as the basis for your whole website design, whereas buttons and other interface elements should come in a contrasting accent color. Broaden your knowledge of choosing the right color palette for your organization.

The go-to standard for well designed websites is either a white or light-colored background with a simple black font or a dark background with a very light font. It’s difficult to read any content that uses a bright font on a light background or vice versa.

Add white space around elements to make them stand out:


White space, otherwise known as negative space, is about what isn’t there. Much like leading and measure, it allows your text to have some room to breathe.

If you want to draw attention to your elements, surround them with white space. Paragraphs will become easier to read if they’re padded enough.

Prioritize Scrolling Over Clicking:


Above the fold is old. Don't shy away from homepages that are on the long side. Believe it or not, the key is to insert everything into a single long page, even info that usually gets buried somewhere else.

This is backed up by an interesting case study by Crazy Egg. Their sales page used to be short and simple, and they then increased its length by 20 times.

This increase also led to a 30 percent increase in their conversions! You can’t ignore that increase. Users seemingly prefer scrolling over clicking.

For this reason, you should consider switching it up if all data regarding your product can be found across several different pages.

You can ensure that things will run smoothly by featuring 3-5 sections to point all new and recurring users to the corresponding areas of your website.

What should these sections consist of?

This could be an endless list, but some of the key factors that should be included are:

  • Value proposition
  • Intro Video
  • Services Overview
  • Product Features
  • About Us
  •  Testimonials
  •  Case Studies/Success Stories
  •  Resources

Update Your Content To Appeal to Your Persona:


We all want to impress people visiting our website with its content, but that’s often the exact reason why we fail. Our website’s content contains a lot of “we’s” and “our’s”.

Some often-used headers include: “Our benefits include...”, ‘We will increase revenue by..”. You might be trying to illustrate how your organization might be of assistance thanks to you and your products, but visitors might not get that impression.

Swap all the “our’s” and “we’s” for “you’s” and “your’s”. Instead of a header such as ‘Our Case Studies’, go for one that says ‘Your Potential Success Story’.

This might seem like a small thing to change, but it will subconsciously affect how your organization is viewed by your users.

Keep Visitors Engaged with a User-Friendly Website

Use the Right Images:


Not all images are suitable for whatever message you’re trying to get across. Not every image found on stock websites will be seen as genuine and trustworthy by your organization. It’s best to use pictures of people that actually are a part of your organization.

If you can’t use pictures of real organization members, there are ways to select the right type of stock photo. This will help your organization appear more realistic, and the selected images will correspond to your organization’s identity and your content’s story.


Guiding users is one of the main purposes of web design. This can be achieved by focusing differently on different elements, which will allow you to emphasize what’s important to you.

This can also be achieved through the use of more direct visual cues. For example, make use of the fact that humans tend to look in the same direction as the people that they view in ads. Steering the attention of your visitors isn’t something that requires subtlety.

Include Follow and Social Share Buttons:


You can only do so much with amazing offers and content if users can’t share anything.

If there are no social share buttons on your website, you might bemissing out on a lot of social media traffic that's brought about by your readers!

If you’re unfamiliar, social sharing buttons are those small buttons that can be found below or above blog posts. You’ll see numerous social media icons, allowing you to directly share the page to your preferred social media site.

The purpose of these buttons is to encourage your users to share your content via social media without being pushy about it.

If you are in search of tools to get you started, look no further thanShareaholic and SumoMe, two free social sharing tools.


Good websites will feature a breadcrumb system. Breadcrumbs are a short series of links which show off the structure of the website’s content. This includes not only blogs but also categories found ineCommerce.

Breadcrumbs assist users in returning to the website’s previous sections. Instead of losing your place in the site’s content, e.g. by pressing the back button, you can simply return to your starting point by clicking a certain link.

Breadcrumbs will help you maintain the quickness of your website.

More personal, More human:


Beautiful websites cannot resemble “abandoned spaceships” with not a person in sight.

I’vespoken with countless organizations over the years regarding their marketing, and there’s a certain pattern to be found.

Larger organizations try to appear smaller than they are, and vice versa. Isn’t that weird?

The thing is, organizations should simply strive towards a more personal and human image.


It’s frustrating having to deal with a website whose navigation interface is confusing or lacks organization. When working on the issue of website navigation, you have to make sure that visitors can find what they’re searching for without difficulty.

When it comes to navigation placement, it’s best to opt for the conventional framework which is then edited according to your needs:

Primary Navigation: This is the main point of focus for visitors looking to navigate your website. This bar can almost alwaysbe found in the page’s top right-hand corner.

This section can contain whatever you desire, but ideally, it should consist of your main CTA button, your contact page, and other pages of use. The content of this bar depends on your website’s purpose.

Categories should be included if your organization sells products, a contact page,and CTA are necessary if you sell services, whereas content groups are suitable for magazines. This bar shouldn’t have too much text.


Secondary Navigation: This will be the next set of menus designed for website navigation. Secondary navigation is usually featured as the aforementioned breadcrumbs that can be found between the menu and the page’s title.

For example, the breadcrumbs found on a PC monitor could be the following:

Electronics -> Peripherals -> Monitors -> BQ123 Monitor.

Thesebreadcrumbsaim to point you towards your location on the website. This simplifies your navigation back towards what you most likely want to view.


Tertiary Navigation: The final navigation menu will be this one. You can find it in the page’s footer and it will usually highlight important pages that aren’t visited by many users. For example, you can include information about your location, terms of use, your about page, disclosures etc.

Mobile Optimization


It’s important to focus on optimizing your site for mobile. In case you’re not yet familiar, 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and “Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead”.

If I were in your shoes, I’d be a bit worried.

Your website should always be geared towards what its visitors need and want. You should ask yourself the following questions: Why would someone visit my page on their mobile? What would they be searching for? Are they able to achieve this without difficulty?

Get Found:


Your website needs to be easily found if you’re aiming to achieve a significant presence online.

The first step towards this is establishing an SEO strategy that factors in any search terms that your users would look up. It’s necessary to create content relevant to your users’ needs. Some examples of such content include blog articles, e-books, and videos.

Test Your Website before Launch

Test All The Time:


You should employ a good assurance team if you can afford it. This team’s job is to run in-depth tests if your website. If you don’t have the resources for this kind of team, then your website should be tested before launch by both internal and external individuals. Their job consists of testing out every possible feature on your website, e.g. testing services, clicking links, and filling out forms. This enables you to solve any issues before launching your website.


Identify Broken Links or Unknown 404’s:


Depending on how large your or old website is, you might come across the occasional link or page that no longer works. To make matters worse, you’ll never be notified by your visitors.

You need to set aside time to comb through your site for broken pages. You might discover websites that aren’t linked properly or unpublished pages that used to perform poorly.

FAQ on designing beautiful websites

What's the secret sauce to a visually appealing website?

Ah, the age-old question! The secret isn't really a secret. It's about balance. Think of your website as a canvas. You wouldn't throw paint everywhere, right? It's about blending colors, typography, and imagery in a harmonious way. And always remember, less can often be more. A clutter-free design lets your content shine.

How important is typography in web design?

Man, typography is like the unsung hero of web design. It's crucial. The right font can convey the mood, tone, and message of your site. It's not just about picking a pretty font, but ensuring it's readable, scalable, and meshes well with your overall design. Think of it as the voice of your website.

Should I follow design trends?

Trends are cool, but they're fleeting. It's like fashion, right? What's in today might be out tomorrow. So, while it's good to be aware of the latest and greatest, it's more important to design for longevity. Your website should still look fresh and relevant a few years down the line. So, take trends with a pinch of salt.

How do I choose the right color palette?

Colors evoke emotions. Ever noticed how certain colors make you feel? That's the power of color psychology. When choosing a palette, consider your brand's personality. Are you fun and vibrant? Or calm and professional? Use colors that resonate with your brand's vibe. And always, always test for accessibility. Everyone should enjoy your beautiful site.

What's the deal with responsive design?

In today's world, if your site isn't responsive, you're missing out. Big time. People aren't just browsing on desktops anymore. They're on phones, tablets, even smart fridges! Responsive design ensures your site looks and functions beautifully, no matter the device. It's not just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have.

How much should I invest in visuals and graphics?

Visuals are the cherry on top. They can make or break your site. But it's not about splurging on the fanciest graphics. It's about quality and relevance. Use visuals that enhance your content, not overshadow it. And hey, sometimes a well-placed icon or a simple illustration can do wonders.

How do I ensure a good user experience?

User experience, or UX, is the heart and soul of web design. It's not just about looking good, but feeling good too. Prioritize navigation. Make sure your site is intuitive. If users are lost, they'll bounce. And always, always prioritize speed. No one likes a slow site, no matter how pretty it is.

What role does content play in design?

Content isn't just king, it's the whole darn kingdom. Your design should complement your content, not compete with it. Think of design as the frame and content as the masterpiece. They should work in tandem. And remember, always design with the content in mind. It'll save you a ton of headaches later.

How often should I update my website's design?

Ah, the refresh conundrum. Look, there's no hard and fast rule. But a good thumb rule? Every 2-3 years. Technology changes, user preferences evolve, and your business grows. An occasional facelift ensures you stay relevant. But hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Can I DIY or should I hire a professional?

DIY is great if you're on a tight budget or just starting out. There are tons of tools out there. But if you're serious about making a mark, consider hiring a pro. They bring expertise, experience, and that extra oomph. Plus, they'll save you time and potential missteps. Sometimes, it's worth the investment.


One thing’s certain, it’s important to have beautiful websites that are creative and entertaining – but they also need to perform adequately. Great websites can be useful without their web designs being boring. The most important thing to remember is that website design should be smart and enable a good experience for users.

All of the tips for best website design featuredin this guide will ensure that 2019 is the year when you start creating beautiful websites.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.