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Guide on How to Obtain VPN

June 4, 2024

Guide on How to Obtain VPN

By Albert Ślusarczyk

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  • Advanced security features like Double VPN and Onion over VPN. Utilizes next-generation encryption to ensure data security. Private DNS to reduce the risk of third-party spying. Non-VPN privacy tools like Dark Web Monitoring and Threat Protection


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  • Kill switch, split tunneling, and MediaStreamer DNS for enhanced user security and streaming experiences. Effective unblocking of various streaming services. User-friendly app design across various platforms. Lightway protocol for swift connectivity speeds and reduced power consumption.


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How to obtain VPN? It’s simpler than you might think. Our guide outlines the key steps: choosing a reliable provider, acquiring the service, and setting it up for secure browsing. Get started and take control of your online privacy today.

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing a VPN provider, prioritize reputation, server coverage, speed, privacy policies, and jurisdiction to ensure trust, performance, and security of your data.

  • Acquiring a VPN involves comparing pricing plans, visiting the service’s website for compatibility checks, registering, and selecting a secure payment method for subscription.

  • To maximize your VPN experience, download user-friendly VPN apps for your desktop or mobile device, understand varying VPN protocols for optimal security and speed, and consider a dedicated IP address for consistent online presence and access to specialized services.

Choosing the Right VPN Provider

When it comes to safeguarding your online escapades, not all heroes wear capes—some come as reputable VPN services. But how does one sift through the multitude of providers to find the knight in shining armor? Start with reputation; it’s the cornerstone of trust in the VPN realm. Dive into reviews, but keep your wits about you, as not all praise is penned without bias.

Yet, reputation alone won’t cut it. Imagine connecting to a VPN server only to find your digital stride hampered by sluggish speeds. That’s where server coverage steps in—more locations mean a better chance at a swift and stable connection. But tread carefully, for with great server numbers comes great responsibility; too many can dilute a provider’s network control, potentially exposing you to risks. And let’s not forget the privacy policy and jurisdiction—the fine print that dictates the fate of your data.

Acquiring a VPN Service

Venturing into the world of VPNs, you’ll encounter a landscape of pricing options offered by various vpn company choices. It’s akin to choosing a trusty steed for your journey—will it be a steadfast commitment with long-term advantages or a fleeting alliance with monthly renewals?

Prices may range as widely as the virtual terrains you wish to traverse, but remember, the allure of low-cost long-term plans should only ensnare you once their service proves worthy.

Browsing VPN Service's Website

Before you pledge your digital allegiance to a VPN provider, a reconnaissance mission to their website is in order. Scrutinize the compatibility section with an eagle’s eye, ensuring the VPN service’s harmonious coexistence with your arsenal of devices and operating systems. After all, a seamless experience across your digital domain is not just a luxury, it’s a requirement for the modern-day voyager.

Registration and Payment

With your chosen VPN service in sight, the next step is to forge your identity within their ranks by creating an account—a simple proclamation of your username and a password to guard it. As you proceed to the vault of payment, opt for a longer subscription only if your heart is set on the service. And remember, the sanctity of your personal and financial data is paramount; ensure the payment method is as secure as the VPN’s promised encrypted tunnel.

Downloading and Installing VPN Apps

The quest for online privacy advances as you prepare to download and install the VPN apps, the very embodiment of secure access in a user-friendly package. Fear not the complexity of yesteryears; for today’s VPN providers have honed the art of simplicity, providing dedicated apps that whisk you away from the need for manual vpn settings and into the realm of the vpn client.

For Desktop Users

For the desktop warriors wielding Windows as their sword, the path to VPN protection involves downloading the latest version of the software straight from the provider’s forge, ensuring it’s free from the rust of outdated versions. To set up a VPN, run the setup file and follow the prompts as you would heed the steps of a sacred ritual, and lo, the VPN shall be ingrained into your machine.

Mac users, fear not, for your journey is equally straightforward. Seek the Mac-compatible software on the provider’s website and, with a swift drag-and-drop into the Applications folder, the installation will be complete. A few additional incantations may follow on-screen, but soon after, the VPN shall be at your command.

For Mobile Devices

Those who navigate the digital seas via Android shall head to the trusted Google Play Store, where the VPN app awaits to be summoned onto your device. Meanwhile, the iOS faithful will find their VPN champion within the hallowed grounds of the Apple App Store, ready to be installed with a mere tap.

Once the app is in your grasp, Android users will venture into the ‘Network & Internet’ settings, where ‘Advanced’ options hold the key to configuring the VPN’s allegiance to your web traffic. iOS users, you’ll add a VPN configuration within the ‘General’ settings, ensuring your internet escapades are shielded from prying eyes.

Configuring VPN Manually

For the adventurous souls who prefer to chart their own course, manually configuring a VPN opens a realm of possibilities. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Select your VPN protocols like OpenVPN.

  2. Dodge the constraints of rigid network restrictions.

  3. Transform your internet experience to one of freedom and flexibility.

VPN Configuration on Windows

Windows users, to manually weave the fabric of your VPN protection, step into the ‘Network and Internet’ settings. Here, you shall add and mold a VPN connection to your will, bestowing it with a name, server address, and the type of VPN protocol that suits your quest.

Should the winds change direction, you may return to these settings to adjust your sails and navigate through the internet’s tumultuous waves.

VPN Configuration on macOS

Mac enthusiasts seeking to manually outline their VPN’s boundaries will find solace in the ‘System Preferences’. Within the ‘Network’ section lie the fields to sow the seeds of a VPN connection—server address, remote ID, and the authentication settings.

With the credentials bestowed, a connection is but a click away, and your Mac stands ready to traverse the virtual world unseen and secure.

Activating Your VPN Connection

The moment of truth arrives as you prepare to activate your VPN connection, a gateway to the secure internet. With a few clicks, you’ll select your virtual steed from the stable of servers and, with bated breath, watch as the encrypted tunnel forms before your eyes, signifying a successful union between device and network.

Connect to a VPN Server

As you ponder which VPN server to ally with, consider your digital ambitions. Are you a seeker of speed or a liberator of geo-restricted content?. Should you crave the vast libraries of Netflix from distant lands, connect to a server where those digital tomes are unsealed.

For those who prioritize haste, a server neighbor to your physical whereabouts shall serve you well.

Verifying the Encrypted Connection

Once the VPN connection is established, your vigilance must not waver. Verify the new guise of your IP address, ensuring it reflects the VPN’s domain rather than your own. Conduct a DNS leak test to confirm that your queries are not betraying your true location—a fortress is only as strong as its weakest link.

Understanding VPN Protocols

The arcane knowledge of VPN protocols is a must for any digital nomad. These protocols are the architects of the encrypted tunnel, dictating the security and velocity of your connection. OpenVPN stands tall as the gold standard, its encryption unyielding, its code open for the world to scrutinize and fortify.

Yet the world of VPN protocols is vast and varied. Here are some popular ones:

  • IKEv2: swift and stable, is the steed of choice for mobile users

  • PPTP: its speed is shadowed by its frail security

  • SSTP: secure in its embrace, is a stranger to those beyond Windows’ walls

  • WireGuard: the new sentinel on the block, with its streamlined code, promises a balance of speed and security.

Advantages of Using a Dedicated IP Address

Venture beyond the shared pathways of VPNs and claim a dedicated IP address, a bastion of consistency in the ever-changing digital landscape. This steadfast companion ensures a constant online identity, essential for accessing specialized digital realms like work resources and tools provided by your internet service provider.

With a dedicated IP, you waltz past the common barricades set against the shared IPs of VPNs, gaining unfettered access to the internet’s riches.

Navigating Common VPN Challenges

Even the most seasoned travelers may encounter turbulent waters while navigating the VPN seas. Free VPNs, tempting with their siren’s call, may trade speed and security for hidden perils like ads or the betrayal of your data. When VPN servers falter, leaving you adrift, consider switching harbors to a less crowded server for improved speeds.

But fear not, for stability can be restored with adjustments to your vessel’s settings, be it the firewall or antivirus software standing in your way. And should the VPN connection waver, a kill switch is your anchor, halting all internet activity to safeguard your secrets until the connection is mended.

Maximizing Your VPN Experience

To wield your VPN to its fullest potential, embrace the art of split-tunneling. This feature allows you to choose the streams of web traffic that flow through the VPN, optimizing the performance of your activities without encumbering others. Select a server that resonates with your digital aspirations, whether it’s for lightning-fast streaming or a fortress of encryption that may slow your pace.

Consider a dedicated IP address to escape the congestion of shared servers, enhancing your internet speeds and avoiding the ignominy of blacklisting. Keep your VPN app updated, for it is your shield and sword in the digital realm; an outdated app is akin to a dull blade, ineffective against the threats that lurk in the shadows.


Through the verdant valleys and over the treacherous peaks, we’ve journeyed together in the quest for the ultimate VPN experience. From the initial selection of a trustworthy provider to the intricate dance of manual configurations, you now stand poised at the threshold of digital autonomy. Embrace the freedom of a secure, private, and unrestricted internet, for it is not just a destination—it’s a continuous adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

1How much does it cost to get a VPN?
A VPN typically costs between $2 and $18 per month, and opting for a long-term plan can yield savings.
2What should I look for when choosing a VPN provider?
When choosing a VPN provider, it's crucial to consider their reputation, server coverage, jurisdiction, data retention laws, privacy policy, and network control for security. Consider these factors to make an informed decision.
3Should I use a free VPN service?
No, it's not recommended to use a free VPN service due to potential compromises in connection speed and security. Opting for a reputable paid VPN service is a better choice for improved security and service.
4How do I know if my VPN connection is secure?
To ensure your VPN connection is secure, check that your public IP address has changed after connecting to the server and conduct a DNS leak test to confirm your DNS queries are routed through the VPN.
5What are the benefits of using a dedicated IP address with my VPN?
Using a dedicated IP address with your VPN offers a consistent online identity, less restricted access to internet content, and improved performance due to not sharing the IP with other users. This can enhance your browsing experience.
Guide on How to Obtain VPN

Albert Ślusarczyk

As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.