Unique websites you should see: 20 unusual website designs

Unique websites you should see: 20 unusual website designs

The best one-page template designs you can download now
October 7, 2023
Website layout examples that make websites stand out of the crowd
October 8, 2023
The best one-page template designs you can download now
October 7, 2023
Website layout examples that make websites stand out of the crowd
October 8, 2023

There are so many websites that seem to follow the same old basic website layout that has been seen numerous times and that’s exhausting, quite frankly. Have a hero image with a CTA in the middle and three columns underneath. It’s as if we’re stuck in a loop of headers, content, sidebars, and footers. These designs aren’t bad, they’re just so predictable.

Website layout design doesn’t need to consist solely of your typical grid structured layout. Sometimes the best option is to disregard convention and break the occasional usability rule. Then the sky would be the limit when it comes to what we could create.


You won’t stand out if you just follow the newest trends. Website design layouts that are trend-based and formulaic might bring you paychecks, but don’t expect to win any awards for design. The scariest thought is that you might be compromising your creative side just to become more like a typical manufacturer..

This feeling is something that almost every designer goes through at some point or another, therefore there are plenty of ways to sort this out. One way is to draw inspiration from the most out-of-the-box and unique website design available.


Sadly, there’s no set of rules for designing unique websites. The easier option for boosting traffic is turning to something like Search Engine Optimization. However, the most effective way to drastically increase traffic is to have a unique website that stands out so much that it gets plenty of media and word-to-mouth attention because of it.

Keep on reading this article to discover a few tips on how to achieve this kind of out-of-the-box thinking and experimentation.

Steer Clear of Pre-Described Layouts


Grid systems are a fantastic way to display web content, not just due to their easy setup and the fact that they boost efficiency in maintaining and expanding web projects, but also due to them improving the consistency and usability of website layouts. However, if you’re a designer trying to think outside the box, you might find this kind of layout too restricting. Wouldn’t it be great if page size and website layout were unimportant factors?


In order for this to be achieved, your first step should be planning out your design’s objectives:

  • What do you want to be noticed first by visitors? Content? Logo? Navigation?
  • What kind of feeling do you want your design to invoke in visitors?
  • How usable do you want your design to be? You may require some feeling of a generic layout.

The next step is building on these answers. If you’re looking for a particular photo to stand out, be careful in deciding where to place it. Try to place your main feature in the top left area as that’s where most visitor’s eyes tend to go first. After deciding where your main feature should go, be that an image, navigation, logo, or content, build the remaining design around it.


Creatively using colors can truly help create unique websites, even if this is the only unique thing about the website. Colors are a powerful way to create playful looks, evoke emotions, add class etc.

An effective way to make your design stand out is by using high contrast colors. Colors can also be used in a non-typical way, for example, by breaking colors up unto blocks. The DoneDone website breaks up retro colors into geometric blocks. You should also check out the image slideshow from Mike Kus’ designer portfolio which uses some brilliant colors.


Whether we’re aware of it or not, we all have our own collection of personal techniques. Set aside time to think over and evaluate all the design habits and techniques that you’ve collected throughout the years.

Think about the following things when determining your own techniques:

  • Is there are general color scheme you gravitate towards?
  • Are there any tutorials you came across several years ago, but have likely significantly modified since?
  • What website layouts do you usually use? Why do they work, and why don’t they?
  • What do you usually use as the main focus of your design – color, brushes, images, or typography?

Write down all the answers to these questions. Your next step is creating a list under each answer to determine what improvements your techniques need or how they should be defined to personalize them more.


Sometimes you just need to use some unique buttons or icons to turn a boring website into a brilliant one. You just need to make sure that they’re all of a similar style so that your design doesn’t look too messy or overwhelming.

Unique icons are used throughout The Design Council’s website, turning what would have been a simple website layout into a unique website layout.


A retro/vintage style was used by awesome’s design team for design elements such as icons, buttons, and typography.Using design to save the world is their creative pitch, and this theme is cleverly stuck to throughout the website.

Consider Why Exactly Your Favorite Website Sucks


The next thing to write down is why your favorite website sucks, and you need to list 10 reasons. You’ve spent so much time admiring it, but now you need to think about what’s bad about your favorite site. This can be anything from personal preferences to larger concerns such as usability.

Your list should consist of issues regarding the following:

  • Take a look at the overall design– general appeal, style, and layout.
  • Pay attention to the design’s details such as shapes and colors.
  • How usable is the site?
  • How optimized is the site for ads and widespread usability?
  • Look at its hierarchy– do your eyes go to the spot to where they should go?
  • What kind of content is offered by this site? Does it function for a big audience in its specialty?

After contemplating these reasons, write down, in detail, all the actions that would improve it. You should then apply similar enough techniques to your own web design.

We wanted to provide you with several more examples of good website layouts whose different approaches will inspire you to create unique websites without letting down your users.



Layout: a three-column hero that upon scrolling becomes the main navigation menu.

NeluCebotari’s online portfolio perfectly captures his designer skills and personality without falling into the trap of being cliche.

Yellow is often a harsh color, but the muted shades chosen for his background work perfectly with the shapes throughout it. The black text really pops thanks to this color choice.

The navigation is another unique aspect of this design, placed smack down in the middle in the form of the following calls to action: work, contact, and about. If you hover over each of them, a box will slide up from the bottom.

Each box contains some text motivating you to find out more or contact them. When you combine all of this with the website’s simple outline, you get an effortless experience.



Your mind is the starting point of hunting for the perfect house. starts in your mind. This cool and eclectic website is both interactive and has unique navigation, aiming to guide you through all the steps of finding your dream home. To begin this journey, you just need to start scrolling!



Layout: a full-screen cover that transforms into two broken-grid sections, and then a few more-rigid grids.

Their year in review is not just pleasant to look at thanks to its stylized heading treatments and subtle pastels, but it also tells the story of “How we create experiences has changed.”

Peerspace is also great at letting their users do the storytelling. Videos, writing, and images are used to demonstrate how Peerspace was of help to them.

However, it should be noted that they go overboard with using images to deliver content. It makes you wonder why they chose this approach since it hinders the page’s accessibility and CEO.



This interactive and alluring web page layout consists of a stunning background image of a tower. You’ll be taken to the relevant section of the page by clicking on the top menu.

Basil gloo


This website falls into the category of unique websites thanks to its central part. What really catches your eye is the amazing-looking green carpet.



Layout: The experience of a brick-and-mortar record store is reproduced through a grid layout.

Sounds of the Universe is eclectic record label Soul Jazz’s digital offshoot. The numerous types of genres released on this record label are represented well through the website. Each artist has a plethora of background information available along with sound samples to give you an idea of their sound.



FAQ on designing unique websites

How do I make my website stand out from the crowd?

Ah, the age-old question! To make your site pop, focus on original content, a unique color palette, and interactive elements. Think outside the box. Maybe even ditch the box! Dive deep into your brand's essence and let it shine. Remember, it's not just about looking different; it's about feeling different.

What's the secret to a memorable website design?

The real secret? Emotion. Connect with your audience on a personal level. Use visuals, stories, and design elements that evoke feelings. When people feel something, they remember it. It's like that catchy song you can't get out of your head. Make your website the catchy song of the digital world.

How important is mobile responsiveness?

Oh, it's huge! With so many folks surfing the web on their phones, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you're missing out big time. It's like showing up to a pool party without a swimsuit. Don’t be that person. Make sure your site looks and functions beautifully on all devices.

Can I use templates and still be unique?

Sure thing! Templates are like the base layer of a painting. You can customize, tweak, and add your own flair. It's all about how you personalize it. Think of templates as a starting point, not the final destination. It's the spices and flavors you add that make the dish uniquely yours.

How do I choose the right color scheme?

Colors speak volumes. They set the mood and vibe. Dive into color psychology and see what resonates with your brand's message. And hey, don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the most unexpected combinations can be the most striking. It's like pairing wine and cheese; find what complements each other.

Should I follow design trends?

Trends can be fun, but they come and go. It's like fashion; what's hot today might be out tomorrow. So, while it's cool to be in the know, always prioritize your brand's identity over fleeting fads. Be the trendsetter, not just a follower.

How do I keep my website's design fresh?

Regular updates! The digital world is ever-evolving. Check in on your site every few months. Swap out images, tweak the layout, or introduce new interactive elements. It's like giving your home a fresh coat of paint. Keeps things lively and inviting.

What role does user experience play in design?

User experience is the heart and soul of design. If your site looks amazing but is a nightmare to navigate, you've missed the mark. It's like having a beautiful car that doesn't run. Prioritize smooth navigation, clear CTAs, and intuitive design. Make your visitors feel at home.

How can I make my website more interactive?

Engage your audience with quizzes, polls, or interactive infographics. Maybe even throw in some animations or hover effects. The key is to make your visitors part of the journey, not just passive observers. It's like inviting them to dance at a party. Get them involved and invested.

How do I measure the success of my website design?

Metrics, baby! Dive into analytics. Look at bounce rates, session durations, and user feedback. But also, trust your gut. If your site feels right and aligns with your brand's essence, you're on the right track. It's a blend of science and art. Find the balance.


Standing out from the competition is just as important for smaller organizations as it is for larger ones. What differs between the two is that unique websites backfiring is a bigger risk for larger organizations.

Designers are well aware of the fact that users prefer solutions that they know will work. It’s not difficult for us to give them what they want. Adhering to formality is fine, but as designers, we’re given so much room to experiment.

If we think outside the box, we can come up with the most creative and the most unique websites that won’t be forgotten in a hurry, especially in this sea of consistency.

Unusual websites generally aim for a unique, positive user experience.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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