Albert Ślusarczyk, Author at Be Theme Blog - Page 22 of 33
October 11, 2023

Website design ideas that work and generate conversions

Many people look for website design ideas that are currently appreciated by the viewers to make their own websites appealing. Of course, looks are not everything and this factor needs to be combined with good SEO and social media practices.
October 11, 2023

How to Do a Website Redesign the Right Way and Why

Desc If you are planning to do a website redesign, it’s likely because there are some elements that don’t work as they should or that don’t have the desired impact on your visitors. Or, maybe you just want to make it faster and more user-friendly – regardless of what you […]
October 11, 2023

The best looking event websites with awesome design

Desc Event websites are the first place where someone will experience your event. The first time someone experiences your event is when they lay eyes on your event page. No matter what your job is, great event websites are always beautifully designed websites. When creating an event website, all your […]
October 11, 2023

Where to Get A Cool Website Header Image and Tips for Choosing One

Desc A website header refers to the strip that is always present at the top of a webpage. It normally contains a logo, a navigation bar, a search bar, and other details that might be relevant for the user. The definition has slowly changed overtime, and people now call the […]
October 11, 2023

How to Design an Awesome Personal Trainer Website

Desc If you work in the fitness field, you already know how difficult it is to become popular. There are a lot of personal trainers out there who are trying their very best to gain clients by offering their services in gyms. Fortunately, the era of technology comes with many […]
October 11, 2023

Classy Personal Website Examples and How to Create Your Own

Desc Just as talking about yourself in front of a crowd of strangers isn’t easy, neither is creating your own personal website. But in a world governed by technology, it’s vitally important to have a presence in the virtual world. Luckily, with so many personal website examples out there to […]
October 10, 2023

Redirect a WordPress page without a plugin

URL Redirection is a mechanism for redirecting site visitors from one domain or page to another. It is possible to redirect your visitors to any web page on the internet, but it is most commonly used to reroute them within the same website. When a user enters a URL or clicks a link to Page A, you may redirect them to Page B instead.
October 8, 2023

Website Navigation Design: How to Make it User-Friendly

Desc So, why is website navigation so important for a user-friendly experience? The easiest way to answer this question is by defining the three-second rule. This rule points out that a person needs no more than three seconds to decide whether they remain on the website or not. The user’s […]
October 8, 2023

Architect website design: 20 Architecture websites

Desc Whether you’re new to the world of architecture and you want to learn how to create your own architect website or improve your current one, the best way to ensure the success of your organization is to optimize its website. When hiring architects, users go through the following three […]
October 8, 2023

What’s the best podcast WordPress theme out there?

Desc Podcasts have become quite popular recently. They have proven to be a great way to connect with the target audience, to increase brand awareness or just provide value to listeners. Because of this, there are now lots of WordPress themes created especially for publishing podcasts. The topic of your […]
October 8, 2023

Website layout examples that make websites stand out of the crowd

Desc First of all, you need to understand what a website layout is. It represents the one factor that determines whether a website is successful or not. A website layout is the actual structure of the site. It structures the information as needed by the owner and it gives visitors […]
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