Website Launch Announcement Ideas and Tactics To Use

Website Launch Announcement Ideas and Tactics To Use

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When your new website is ready, your goal should be sharing it with the world, far and wide. To drive large quantities of traffic to something so new, you will have to build a great website launch announcement. Without stirring the curiosity of users regarding what you are about to present, your website launch won’t have the expected result.

Building excitement around your website launch can only be done if you focus on your target audience and those “wow” elements that make it worthy of interest. In this article, you will find some of the best tips on how to handle future website launches the right way.

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Continuing

Before going any further, it would be best to ask yourself a few questions about your website launch. Answering them will help you plan your new website announcement. Think about:

  • How the perfect website launch would look
  • How the website reach can be maximized
  • How you can get more traffic to your website
  • Whether your copywriting is persuasive enough
  • Whether you have a viral hook or not
  • Whether your website is properly built and can support large amounts of traffic during the launch
  •  What is a Share Page and how you can use it
  • How to build a great pre-launch teaser landing page
  • How you can creatively build buzz around the new website launch

Of course, the questions don’t stop here, but these are enough to give you some direction on where you can start with planning your website launch announcement. If you have any other ideas that could be relevant for your new website launch, don’t hesitate to write it down and take it into account when figuring out the announcement plan.

Put the Launch Plan Together

Once you’ve got all the answers in place, it’s time to create the launch plan. Without this launch plan, your whole website announcement could turn into a mess. Planning your event launch is the one detail that can smooth the process out and keep everything on the right track. Recklessly publishing content or launching a website without a prior interest build-up would be serious mistakes that can’t be fixed immediately afterward. Planning should ideally start six months before the actual launch date. Even though it seems a lot, time will fly by without you even noticing it.

Gain Leads


A website launch announcement is supposed to make people visit the site on the day you’ve mentioned. By doing so, you are increasing the chances of turning visitors into clients. Before your official launch, you can gain many pre-warmed leads by using a landing page as a teaser.

Use Email Marketing


In case you were wondering, email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools in the online environment. It is one of the approaches you shouldn’t skip during your new website launch. In fact, a study by Mailmunch stated that from 2,000 email contacts, 2,000 social media likes, and 2,000 social media followers you can obtain around 400 email clicks, and at least 100 post interactions. and more. Make use of email marketing software if you want to keep people up to date with the latest changes you made or get them excited about the launch day. You can also set up a small business VoIP phone system and combine email marketing with direct phone calls especially if you’re making the announcement to your friends and family first.

Share Pages


Share Pages encourage visitors to share your website’s content on different social media platforms. Create such a page by including shareable elements on it, such as:

  • Videos that can be embedded on other sites
  • Social images
  • Social posts
  • Facts about the website launch
  • Sneak peeks of your site before launch

Publishing Press Releases


Traditional marketing still stands, so if you want to make use of it, you should definitely create and publish press releases. These are articles that are focused on a certain event to garner attention. They are perfect for making a website launch announcement because they can be published online, in newspapers or magazines, on PR directories, and more. Besides boosting the probability of attracting more people to your site, it will also help with SEO. Make sure that the press release is entertaining, dynamic, and catchy. Otherwise, it might not have the impact that you expect.

Publishing Guest Posts

To build interest around your website launch in the greater Internet community, you can publish guest posts on websites and blogs related to your industry. For this, you might want to hire a copywriter that is able to naturally include links to your website in a blog post that is useful and easy to read. In addition, guest posting service WhenIPost offers guest posts that help businesses to publish their content on relevant websites and blogs to increase their visibility and attract more traffic to their site.  Always stick with quality instead of quantity. Be careful to use links to your website’s homepage instead of the temporary landing page that is available at the moment. This page will soon disappear, and it will turn the links into unusable ones.

Make Use of Social Media


Using your social media accounts is the easiest way to make a website launch announcement popular. In order to build awareness around the event, you should compose a quality post and share it on all of your profiles. The best way to make people curious about what you are going to do is to use sneak peeks. It can be some behind-the-scenes information about the development process, a special feature that your website will include, some screenshots of the new home page, and so on.

The goal is to make people curious and wonder what will happen during your website launch. You can also create events on Facebook and promote them. Give people some extra motivation to visit your site as well. A giveaway would be a good choice. Don’t forget that you have to post regularly a few weeks before the website launch. High-volume platforms such as Twitter might require posting more often to obtain results compared to Instagram of Facebook. Make the website launch announcement on every social platform, as often as it’s needed, without being spammy.



Influencers are people in the online environment who've built a great community around their name and can easily make something popular by publishing it on their profiles. Influencer marketing seems to be highly popular at the moment because of how you can make money as an influencer and is more immediately effective than other traditional sources of sharing content.

Paying an influencer to tell people about your big website launch will surely create some excitement around it. The same goes with other companies who already have a large audience. Setting up a partnership with one of these companies can be your best shot. Make sure that the influencer or company you choose has a similar target audience with yours. Otherwise, even though the website launch announcement will get popular, people won’t be interested in your site or your offering.

Other tips to keep in mind


If you’ve followed all the steps included in this article, success is almost guaranteed. Even so, here are some more tips that could help you with the website launch:

  • Be personal.People like it when they see the excitement from the person who is behind the event. Don’t hesitate to share a photo of yourself working on the website, or a group photo of your entire team.
  • Post exclusives. Post bits and pieces of the development process or visual elements of your new brand. People will know what to expect and might be more easily convinced to visit the site once it’s ready.
  • Shoot a video. Videos are more convincing than any other type of content. Record yourself while you make the website launch announcement and post it online.
  • Create a branded hashtag. To make it easier for people to follow the topic, create a special hashtag for this event only. Use it whenever you post something on social media. When they will look up the hashtag, people can find more info about the website launch.

Wrapping it up

Because of all the work involved in making your website popular, you should take care not to become jaded before the actual launch. Even though it might seem mainstream for you now, other people still consider it as completely new, so don’t treat the event carelessly. Continue to post on your social media accounts with the same level of excitement until the final launch. This is the only way to keep people engaged until the very last moment.

After all, your website launch is an actual event that needs the same level of promotion that any other type of event would receive. Press releases, social media posts, blog posts, newsletters, ads – anything you may want to use could bring more people to your site when the time is right. Keep yourself engaged in the process until the website is finally launched and you can rely on a large number of visitors to return to the site once they’ve accessed it for the first time.

Follow up


Once the site is launched, there are some things you should do in the long run. First of all, it’s very likely that you will build a consistent email list. Use it further to send newsletters to the people who are interested in what you offer. A nice touch would be to send a “thank you” note to all people who’ve subscribed to the site, helped you or shared your website.

Additionally, regularly using an SPF record checker can enhance your email security and authentication protocols, ensuring that your messages reach recipients' inboxes without issues.

Secondly, try to reply to all of the added comments or messages you receive. New visitors might have some questions to ask and rapid communication is key to making them come back.

Use reliable customer communication tools to provide immediate assistance and foster a positive first impression, ultimately increasing visitor engagement and retention.

Use a client portal or have a live chat to provide immediate assistance and foster a positive first impression, ultimately increasing visitor engagement and retention.

After your website launch, you need to remain consistent. Keep publishing high-quality content, populate your social media accounts and work on that online reputation.

FAQs about website launch announcement ideas

1. What are some creative ways to announce the launch of a new website?

Making a video trailer, holding a launch party, working with influencers or sector leaders, and employing interactive social media posts are some innovative ways to announce the opening of a new website. To advertise the debut of your website, you can also employ press releases, blogs, and cold email marketing campaigns.

2. How do I create a buzz around my website launch?

You can offer sneak peeks or teasers of the website content, write interesting and interactive social media posts, hold a giveaway, or run a contest to generate excitement before your website launches. Partnering with influencers, bloggers, or media outlets to promote your website launch to their followers or audiences is another successful strategy for generating buzz.

3. What social media channels should I use to promote my website launch?

Your target demographic and their favorite platforms will determine which social media networks you should employ to advertise the launch of your website. In general, it is advised to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to advertise the debut of your website. If your target demographic uses niche social media platforms frequently, you can also use them.

4. How far in advance should I start promoting my website launch?

It's advised to start your website launch promotion at least two weeks beforehand. This offers you adequate time to build anticipation and buzz around the launch, as well as the chance to adjust your website and marketing tactics in response to customer comments or insights.

5. Should I offer any special deals or promotions during my website launch?

During the launch of your website, offering special discounts or promotions can help draw in new users and motivate them to take action. Offering discounts, risk-free trials, or other rewards can be one way to encourage early adopters. It's crucial to strike a balance between these promotions and your company's objectives while also making sure they're financially sound.

6. How can I make my website launch announcement stand out from my competitors?

You can utilize inventive and attention-grabbing imagery, emphasize special qualities or benefits of your website, and concentrate on the demands or pain areas of your target audience to set your website launch announcement apart from those of your rivals. Additionally crucial is having a strong brand voice that connects with your intended audience.

7. What should I include in my website launch announcement?

A call to action encouraging visitors to your website should be included in your website launch announcement along with the launch date and a brief summary of your website's features. You can also publish any pertinent news or updates on the debut of your website, as well as testimonies or reviews from beta users, influencers, or early adopters.

8. How can I measure the success of my website launch announcement?

Monitoring website traffic and user engagement, user reviews and comments, conversions or sales, and user feedback can all be used to gauge the success of your website launch announcement. To assess the success of your promotion efforts and make any adjustments, you may also employ social media analytics and email marketing metrics.

9. Should I partner with any influencers or bloggers to promote my website launch?

Building credibility and trust among your target audience by collaborating with influencers or bloggers might help you reach a larger audience. Think about the audience's demographics, engagement rates, and influencers' areas of expertise when selecting bloggers or influencers to collaborate with. Setting up specific expectations and rules for the collaboration is also crucial.

10. How can I ensure that my website launch announcement reaches my target audience?

You can employ targeted social media ads, email marketing campaigns, and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to make sure that your website launch announcement reaches your target audience. Utilize channels and messaging that appeal to your audience by being aware of their needs and preferences. In order to increase your reach, you may also make use of your current networks and alliances.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.