Actually Nice Manufacturing Websites to Inspire You

Actually Nice Manufacturing Websites to Inspire You

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Picture this: A sleek digital storefront, so captivating it pulls you in with a click. That's the power of stellar manufacturing website design. It's more than colors and fonts—it's the digital handshake between you and the world. In an era where the first impression is often screen-made, your manufacturing business deserves a spotlight.

In the bustling digital market, your website is your envoy. It's gotta speak volumes, echoing the precision of your machinery and the reliability of your supply chain. But the real question is, how do you nail that first impression? By seeing how the top guns do it.

Here, we'll navigate through some prime website design examples specifically tailored for the manufacturing realm. We'll explore user interfaces that simplify the complex and aesthetics that speak industrial chic. From custom manufacturing webpages to responsive design—these are the game changers.

By the end of this tour, you'll pocket actionable insights, the latest design trends, and the know-how to elevate your brand's digital blueprint. Let's dive into the transformative world of manufacturing sites—a blend of functionality and finesse.

Examples of Manufacturing Websites

Dorman Products


Dorman Products has been solving automotive problems since 1918, releasing thousands of parts and components to match. It would be easy to be lost in a catalog that large, but Dorman Products made a simple industrial website to offset such problems.

Be Industry 2


NTS Unitek uses images on their site to showcase their tech in action. They also include a clear “Learn More” call to action (CTA) to attract potential customers to their store page and to give more information about the company.

Viking Electronics


Viking Electronics is a manufacturing business for security and communication devices. This is a very competitive market, so Viking Electronics uses strong search engine optimization (SEO) signals to put their business ahead of the rest. This greatly encourages site visitors to come.

Be Factory 3


Frain Industries uses a video background to instantly grab viewers’ attention and then keeps that attention using an efficient CTA. Website visitors are quickly shown what to expect from this company.

John Deere


John Deere is a world-renowned brand in the manufacturing industry, which means that their website had big shoes to fill. Don’t worry; they delivered. Their website gives a great user experience with many interesting menu options and engaging visuals. They also use many efficient marketing tactics to appeal to many different visitors, which further improves their brand.

Be Factory 2


Lear has many great features going for it. Clear navigation, catchy messaging, strong SEO scores, strong brand language, and compatibility with mobile devices are just a few features to count. This is a great example for all industrial and manufacturing companies of what a manufacturing website should look like.

Lockheed Martin


Lockheed Martin is one of the world’s top aerospace brands, so it’s no surprise that their website looks like it’s ready to fly. It distinguishes itself with both hero imagery and drop-down menus that connect customers with their interests quickly.

Be Factory


Marion Body Works uses a catchy landing page to set the stage of its website and then follows up with great images and graphics to match. Not only that, but the images are also strategically placed to encourage customers to buy, without seeming pushy. A difficult task, but Marion Body Works makes the job look easy.



FireRock provides solutions for custom home projects, giving both contractors and end users a head start when building. They do a great job marketing their brand image front and center by placing their slogan, “The most important thing we build is trust,” with great imagery.

Be Industry


Triad Magnetics has an exceptional website that lets buyers find what they need quickly. They do this by giving clients two search options, each with different parameters to connect the right products to the right people, quickly.

APC International


APC International is a manufacturing company that focuses on piezoelectric ceramic shapes and other piezo devices. Don’t know what “piezo” means? No worries; their website explains what it is and why you should pick them for your piezo.It also includes blog posts, white papers, and other related industry resources. If you have a complicated market, take notes from this manufacturing website design.



Graco is one of the sleekest manufacturing sites on this list. It uses just the right colors and images to make both an attractive and functional website. Often, websites may overdo it, and then lose text legibility, but Graco does not make that mistake.

Fairlawn Tool


Fairlawn Tool, Inc has many things going for it. For one, it has a very active and high-performing blog, which helps build trust in the company. It also has a very modern website design, which catches the attention of visitors right away.



SpaceX both designs, manufactures, and launches the most advanced rockets and spacecraft in the world. Needless to say, they made their website look out of this world.

Gary Manufacturing


Manufacturing certifications are great ways to win business, and Gary Manufacturing uses them to great effect. Their homepage lets buyers know their standards instantly by showing these certifications to their website visitors.



Plex starts out their website strong with an outstanding video presentation, detailing their manufacturing process. It is also very easy to navigate, as it includes a clear menu bar that details where visitors can go. It’s simple, but the best manufacturing website menus need to be.

Titan Systems


Titan Systems uses tremendous website design to create a user-friendly experience. It starts with an easy-to-navigate video homepage while detailing their strengths in the industry.

PR Hoffman


PR Hoffman is a major manufacturer of polishing and lapping machines for many industries. It’s easy to see that quality is their priority, as they place it in high prominence on their website. Whether it’s their personnel or their facilities, they are always dedicated to providing the best quality products.

CST Tires


Just like their brand, CST Tires has an “off-road” approach to website design. Not including buttons and headers, the front page has no text. They instead opt for powerful imagery to start and then share product information on interior pages.

TextTech Industries


A key element for all web design (although often forgotten) is that of font choice. TextTech Industries uses this to great effect, with headline fonts that are easily legible while still stylish. They also use a great color scheme that makes differentiating separate texts easy.

Warren Paint & Color Co.


Warren Paint & Color Co. does a great job guiding visitors according to what they need. An example of this lies in their online product catalog, as customers can easily find what they need with their user-friendly search feature. If you are making your own manufacturing site, try adding a search feature. It often helps more than you think.



The website for Processed Metals Innovators has many great features, it feels like the only way to convey them is with a list. So here are some of their best features:

  • Clear navigation options
  • Strong brand language
  • Compelling CTAs
  • Modern design aesthetics
  • Strong SEO scores for high lead generation
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • A great “get-a-quote” option on the homepage



Caterpillar has done a great job improving their brand image, and their website design helps show these changes. Caterpillar now focuses on “doing the tough jobs,” and they have integrated intense hero imagery and moving headlines to help follow that idea. If you are recently undergoing a rebranding phase, try editing your website to follow your new brand image.

Sypris Electronics


Sypris Electronics presents their values in a great way using three rotation options. This helps create trust in their company without seeming tacky. It also helps show how their projects are more “mission-focused,” without taking up an entire paragraph.

Chalmers & Kubeck


Chalmers & Kubeck is one of the biggest machine shops/hardware suppliers in the U.S., which means that they offer a large number of services to match. This could make their website large and clunky, but their site utilizes well-organized navigation tools to make the search process simple for visitors.



Ubac’s website is done with sleek movements and interesting designs. This greatly defines their products, as their products also use sleek movements and interesting designs. If you make good products, your website should be able to indicate that without words, just like Ubac’s does.



Zbäeren, a Swiss kitchen manufacturer, uses imagery to interest their visitors. Just like having people over to show off your kitchen, their website brings people into their rooms with their image choices. They are definitely an example to take notes from.

Cornell Forge


Cornell Forge has been operating for over 90 years, and they wear that number like a badge of honor. This is a great strategy, as working towards your strengths is always a great idea, website design included.



Tymetal specializes in secure gate systems, and if you’d think this to be a small industry, you’d be wrong. This is a large industry with many products available, which can cause problems for sleek website design. Tymetal does a great job simplifying their menus to display their many projects in a simple-to-understand way.



The website for California Manufacturing Technology Consulting displays a lot of information in an easy-to-read format, which is no easy task. It does it by using popping colors that grab your attention without being distracting. It also uses many lead generation tools that help build more traffic for the website.

Squirrel Brand Nuts


Ever since 1888, Squirrel Brand has been selling the ultimate nuts. It’s been over 130 years, and they have specially harvested the best nuts available. This is a big company, and their website helps show their products in a delicious light. It’s not easy to make something look good in a photo, but Squirrel Brand does it well.



Mitsubishi is a tech based company, and their website design helps show their futuristic designs. Instantly you are greeted by large, bold pictures that connect users with their designs and their professional brand.

Sharretts Plating


Sharretts Plating is a leader in the industrial plating services industry, and their site matches their level of quality. They also have great conversion rates with their prominent contact forms and quote requests.

Wilke Enginuity


Wilke Enginuity is a company dedicated to helping engineers with their work. It does a good job catering to engineers by making a great website with many exceptional features.

Rice Lake Glass


Rice Lake Glass uses photo examples of many businesses that use their glass. Whether they come from education, public works, healthcare, commercial, or residential markets, visitors understand that Rice Lake Glass works for them.

Albert Holz


Albert Holz, manufacturer of furniture, has been a family-run company for many years. But with the coming generations, they have created and improved an extraordinary website. It screams expertise with its well chosen photos and interesting flavor texts, while remaining classy with their menus.

FAQ on Manufacturing Website Design

What Makes a Good Manufacturing Website Design?

Dive into a good site design, and you'll see user-friendliness reigning supreme. It boasts a clean layout that highlights industrial products with zero confusion. There's smooth navigation, so visitors zip across info like a high-efficiency assembly line. A great website mirrors a manufacturer's precision and quality.

How Important Is Mobile-Friendly Design for Manufacturing Sites?

Like a trusty pocket tool, mobile-friendly design is non-negotiable. Everyone's on the go, right? So, your site better be snappy and viewable on any device. It makes sure potential clients can check out your high-tech machinery or B2B services anytime, minus the hassle.

What Features Should Be Included on a Manufacturing Website?

Critical features? Start with a robust product showcase design and real-time supply chain updates. Add in client testimonials for that trust factor, and don't forget a contact form that's as straightforward as your production line. Integrate responsive design for industry-level standards and watch user engagement soar.

Can You Merge High-Quality Images with Fast Load Times?

Balancing act alert! High-quality images sell products, but if they load like molasses, visitors will bounce. Optimize those images, maybe use a CDN, and you keep things looking sharp and loading fast. Show off that intricate machinery website aesthetics without the wait.

How Can SEO Be Tailored for a Manufacturing Business?

SEO for manufacturing? It's all about highlighting SEO strategies for industrial businesses. Use keywords that connect you with your market—think industrial web development or B2B manufacturing portal. Lock in on SEO entities like your cutting-edge tech or signature processes. That's how you rise in those rankings.

What Role Does Content Strategy Play?

Content is the captain here. It navigates visitors through your site, enlightening them with industry knowledge, news on industrial innovation, and services. A killer content strategy positions you as a thought leader—someone who knows their gears and sprockets, and can solve client conundrums with ease.

How Do You Showcase Complex Products Simply?

The trick is not to get visitors tangled in jargon. Keep it simple. Use 3D product visualizations and interactive features for a virtual touch-and-feel experience. With each product, paint a picture where form meets function, but let's keep that lingo layman, alright?

Oh, absolutely. A site that reflects industry trends, like factory automation systems, says you're ahead of the curve. It's about blending classic professionalism with innovation—giving a nod to your industry's future while keeping your digital boots firmly planted in reliability and trust.

How Can Conversion Optimization Be Applied to Manufacturing Websites?

Conversion optimization is your secret sauce for turning lookers into bookers. Tailor those call-to-actions and make 'em bold. Simplify the inquiry process and highlight client successes. Use analytics like a pro to finesse the user's journey from landing page to final quote request.

In What Ways Can Customer Service Be Integrated on the Site?

Roll out the digital welcome mat with live chat or a quick-help bot. Got a complex industrial sector UI? Offer guided tours or FAQ sections. Every support touchpoint on your site reassures clients that behind this slick digital presence is a team ready to help, always.


A curated collection of manufacturing website design examples that rev up your inspiration engines. It’s clear as day now, isn't it?

  • World-class UIs
  • User experiences that just click
  • Responsive designs keeping it sleek on any gadget
  • Product showcases that practically jump off the screen

These aren't just random designs; they're a calculated craft that echoes the heartbeat of industry giants. They balance the scales of aesthetics and functionality, giving users a clear runway from landing page to contact form. And let's not sideline the behind-the-scenes MVPs—SEO strategies for industrial businesses—making sure these digital hubs get the spotlight they deserve.

So, hit refresh on that old site. Bring in the bold, the fresh, the streamlined. Remember, in this digital landscape, your website isn't just a website. It's the virtual handshake that starts the conversation, making every pixel and every click count.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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