How to design mobile app websites: 23 best app websites
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How to design mobile app websites: 23 best app websites

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So you’ve created an amazing app that you want to show off, promote, and sell. You might think that you just need to feature an optimized entry in the app stores for your new app and call it a day.

The thing is, you’ll require a focus point for your app’s marketing, a place that will allow your app’s audience to increase by hyping it up. This is why all apps require effective landing pages with a good design.


The most successful formula is to have your product placed right in the middle and have it surrounded by a clean UI design and beautiful color schemes. Full-screen images, videos, vibrant colors, and other memorable and catchy features make things even more enticing. Mobile app websites are a fantastic source of inspiration when they’re designed properly.

To achieve this level of design excellence, partnering with professional mobile app development services can help bring your vision to life.

Take a look at the following concepts and try to utilize them when creating the layout for your app website.

Components of a Compelling App Landing Page


What does the template for the landing page of app websites normally consist of? If you look at the examples listed in this article and even take a look at your favorite apps’ landing pages, you’ll discover these basic elements:

The Headline


The headline is the first thing seen by visitors. It needs to showcase your app’s value. Basically, it needs to convince the visitor that your app is exactly what they need. At the very least it needs to intrigue visitors enough to remain on your page.

A good way for earning visitors and turning them into customers is with excellent customer support. Companies can achieve this by integrating a cloud phone, having a live chatbot on their website, using email, and other means of professional communication.

Take a look at how the sleeping app how Pzizz communicates their app’s entire value with simply one headline, and their call-to-action buttons right below it. a sleeping app, explains the entire value of their app with the headline. Roy Hibbert’s social proof adds celebrity influence and is a nice touch.


Hero image website - the product-first background


As soon as users land on a page, large, oversized images will catch their attention. These images also help convey the brand’s unique selling point (USP) to users, allowing them to form an opinion straight away.

Product-first hero images will show off either the mobile app itself or one of its features. These aren’t full-screen images, but they’re borderless and feature a clear background.

Custom mobile apps benefit from such images as they provide a snapshot of the app's interface, functionality, and value proposition, enticing users to explore further.

They either float to a certain point on the page or they’ll be fixed in position. Their backgrounds are usually white, and they’ll be accompanied with contrasted, almost-black header text.

Attractive Media for Hero Images


Your visitors have to be made aware right away of the fact that this is an application website if you want the majority of your website or landing page to even make sense. They’ll also find out straight away if it’s usable since they’ll know if it’s an app for Android, iOS, iPad, or Tablet.

Since visitors only care about your app, the best way to demonstrate its purpose to them is through screenshots. Screenshots fit into any layout style, so this isn’t a limiting factor.

Your visuals’ main goal isn’t to create beautiful app landing pages, but to build up the story told through the body copy. Your product and its benefits should be showcased through your visuals.

The Soundcloud’s mobile app landing page is a fantastic example of attractive media as it demonstrates how easy it is to search for new music through the use of animated GIFs to show how easy it is to scroll to find new music.


Basically, negative space — more commonly known as white space — is the area of the layout that gets left empty. It can usually be found around the objects placed in the layout, as well as inside and between them. It gives all of the objects on the page or screen room to breathe.

Don’t forget that you don’t need to use just white space for negative space in web design — all colors, textures, patterns, and background images are at your disposal.

Check out the website for Upper app: they use black negative space, which contrasts beautifully with the interface’s core elements. Only one straight line is used for the entire screen. However, the layout looks organized and is easy to read due to the lack of distractions and because the elements have room to breathe. It also utilizes a minimalistic style, making it aesthetically pleasing.


When deciding on your app’s name and icon, visibility is key: your visitors should remember both straight away, even if they don’t instantly download your app.

The Body Copy


Your benefits get placed in the main body copy. Provide as much copy as is necessary to answer your visitor’s unspoken questions and leave them feeling satisfied with the decision to visit your landing page in the first place.

Your copy’s length depends on the kind of app and industry you’re a part of. Less copy (and more pictures) is required to get someone to buy an endless runner game than it is to buy a dieting and healthy lifestyle app.

  • Describe the most relevant information first
  • Briefly describe key functionalities
  • Use bullet points to mention key features
  • Use familiar words


When choosing color themes for app websites, go for those that complement your organization. The color palette selected for your app web page should either be in sync with or match your organization’s color.

This gives the website the look and feeling of it being an extension of your application. If your website features too many colors, colors that are heavy, textures, and an abundance of composition tricks, that might hinder the UX.

App Store Badge


Once you’re done with building your app, this might seem like a no-nonsense technique. Badges are easily identified as download links to the app marketplace.

Both iOS and Android users are given the option of viewing apps straight from their browser, or when viewed on a smartphone, this will redirect.


If there are no prominent call-to-actions featured on app websites, no amount of convincing will enable users to download that app. This CTA must draw attention and trigger a certain action. Adding it to several different places on your app website is a good idea.

Your app landing page exists in order to gear visitors towards the call-to-action, which should consist of clicking a download button that leads them to the app store. Either that, or it should consist of them filling out a contact form and then getting the app directly.

This main objective should be supported by all the components on the web page.


Regardless of whether it’s in the form of a button, a contact for, or a text link, this CTA is the key component of your landing page. It is what converts casual visitors into users or leads in all the best app websites.

Social Proof


Some kind of social proof is also necessary as it demonstrates to visitors that your app is trustworthy. These can consist of the best quotes from reviews by blogs or newspapers, as well as some of the best quotes from user reviews.

Most apps tend to shed the spotlight on glowing user reviews or testimonials that come from big-name users. If their app has received any awards or recognition, those will be displayed. They might also just boast about how many users they have or how many downloads they’ve generated. All these statistics show the immense popularity of online marketplace apps, which has led to the rise in demand for bespoke marketplace app development.

Check out how at how the map and travel app Roadtrippers tells a story about finding hidden gems on road trips through user reviews and body copy.

Mobile-Friendly Design


When designing your mobile app’s landing page, make sure that your tap targets (the areas on the page that users interact with) don’t overlap and are large enough in size.

Take a look at the landing page for mobile app Simplenote. First of all, you’re given an overview of the app’s functions, immediately followed by download links for every OS. Look at how large those links are. That’s because the goal is to make them easily clickable on mobile devices.

What kind of article doesn’t feature some eye candy? The techniques listed in this article are accompanied by a list of some of the best mobile app development websites:


What makes this landing page so great: Beautiful pictures, effects, and animations, Numerous auto-play videos demonstrating the app in action, Sections that are simple and structured make this page easily digestible and several clear call-to-action.

Things that could be improved: A much simpler copy would be better - technical words such as “bespoke” might confuse numerous visitors.



Our favorite thing about the Path website (besides them integrating an actual video of the app in use and their responsive website) is that they provide some instructions: the app can either be downloaded through your browser, or you’ll receive a download link via text message. Badges for the Google Play and App Store are also included, just to be on the safe side.



What makes this landing page so great: Users are enticed thanks to beautiful branding and vivid colors, the app’s functionality is showcased through fantastically-executed product videos, a short page will lead to towards the various product offerings, and there’s also an awards section to display the product’s credibility.

Things that could be improved: The call-to-action should be placed above the fold so that there’s no need to scroll, showcase some example mixes to entice prospective users, mention that it’s a FREE app!

FAQ on designing websites for mobile apps

How do I make my website responsive for mobile devices?

Oh man, this one's a classic! So, to make your website responsive, you gotta use flexible grids, fluid images, and media queries. Think of it like this: your website should be like water, filling up any container it's poured into. So, whether it's a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, your content should adjust smoothly. Dive into CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation; they've got some neat tools to help you out.

What's the difference between mobile-first and desktop-first design?

Alright, here's the deal. Mobile-first means you start designing for the smallest screen (like smartphones) and then scale up for bigger devices. On the other hand, desktop-first is the opposite; you start big and then scale down. With the rise of mobile users, many designers are leaning towards mobile-first. But hey, it's all about knowing your audience and where they're coming from.

How do I optimize images for mobile?

Images can be a real pain, especially when they slow down your site on mobile. So, you gotta compress those bad boys. Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim. Also, consider using adaptive images. This means serving different image sizes based on the user's device. It's like giving someone the right size of shoes; it just fits better.

Should I use a mobile app or a mobile website?

Ah, the age-old debate! A mobile app is a standalone application, while a mobile website is, well, a website optimized for mobile. Apps can be great for specific functions and offline access. But remember, they require downloads and updates. Mobile websites, on the other hand, are accessible to anyone with a browser. Think about your goals, budget, and audience before diving in.

How do I test my mobile website design?

Testing, testing, 1-2-3! Use emulators and simulators to see how your site looks on different devices. Tools like BrowserStack can be super handy. But don't forget real-world testing. Grab different devices, ask friends, family, or colleagues to check it out. There's nothing like real feedback from real devices.

What are the best practices for mobile navigation?

Navigation is like the GPS for your site. For mobile, keep it simple and intuitive. Think about using a hamburger menu or a bottom navigation bar. Also, ensure that touch targets (like buttons) are big enough for fingers. No one likes to play the guessing game of "Did I press that or not?"

How important is page speed for mobile websites?

Speed is king! Especially on mobile. Slow-loading sites can be a real turn-off. Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to check your site's speed. Optimize images, minify code, and consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Every second counts, so make sure your site is lightning fast.

How do I handle pop-ups on mobile?

Pop-ups can be tricky on mobile. If you must use them, ensure they're easy to close and don't take up the entire screen. Google isn't a fan of intrusive pop-ups, so be careful. Always think about the user experience. If it's annoying on your phone, it's probably annoying for others too.

What's the role of typography in mobile design?

Typography is like the voice of your website. On mobile, legibility is key. Stick to clean, simple fonts. Ensure there's enough contrast between text and background. And remember, size matters! Don't make users squint. Keep your text big enough to read comfortably.

How do I design for different mobile operating systems?

iOS, Android, the list goes on. Each OS has its own design guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the design principles of each. For instance, Apple's Human Interface Guidelines or Google's Material Design. It's like learning the local customs when you visit a new country.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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