Be Theme Blog
May 12, 2024

WordPress post missed schedule: How To Fix This

Consistent, quality updates are an ideal way to increase traffic and grow the brand of any WordPress blog. Making sure these posts go out on time is vital. Sometimes this needs to happen weekly or daily or maybe you’re publishing content even faster and more frequently.
May 10, 2024

WordPress session expired: Guide To Fix It Quickly

Few things can be more frustrating to a WordPress site user than to be logged out with no warning. It ruins productivity and raises stress levels, especially if it's a frequent problem. "WordPress session expired" are three words that no one wants to see.
May 10, 2024

The Ultimate Website Design Checklist For Designers

Imagine launching a new website only to discover it resonates with none. Enter the savior: a website design checklist. This is not just a series of checks but a blueprint ensuring every digital corner is polished, functional, and magnetic. Here, we’ll unfold the essentials of what makes a website not only […]
May 9, 2024

How to add a favicon to your WordPress website easily

Desc Your website can stand out from others with little details that make all the difference. Something like a WordPress favicon. A favicon is a favorite icon in case you are wondering. Remember all those little icons on your browser’s favorite menu? Those are favicons, small images that represent your […]
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