Web design Archives - Page 23 of 23 - Be Theme Blog
May 24, 2019

Restaurant Website Design: Great Looking Sites to Check Out

Desc Website design for restaurants is a demanding artistic process and it doesn’t end with good looks and tasty photos. You also have to invest resources into making it responsive, functional, and effective for your purposes – that is, to get people to come and eat. In the hospitality industry, […]
May 7, 2019

Website vs Blog: What’s the Difference and Which One to Use

Desc Ever wondered what is the difference between a website and a blog? It’s pretty difficult to understand unless you fully know the definition and uses of each. This article is meant to clarify the age-old website vs. blog confusion once and for all. Both the terms blog and website […]
March 11, 2019

The best software websites to inspire yourself from

Desc All organizations want their website to inspire visitors to get to the next level, and that is buying their product/service or contacting them. This is what is known as conversion, which is when leads convert into users. If your website’s getting a lot of traffic, but the number of […]
February 12, 2019

Website inspiration: where to look for the recent design trends

Desc All web designers have to gather their website inspiration from somewhere. Without proper inspiration, they can’t come up with unique ideas for their projects, which could affect their entire career. Having a go-to website inspiration list is always a good idea for people who work in this industry. For […]
August 8, 2016

How to Design Medical Websites

A medical website is in some ways like an online store front, but this type of online business requires a special design approach. Nevertheless, it has several things in common with other online businesses. Its objectives are to engage the user, build up trust, and get conversions. The Internet can […]
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