WordAds vs AdSense: Which one to pick for your website?
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WordAds vs AdSense: Which one to pick for your website?

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Monetizing your blog is essential for making income from your writing, and there are multiple ways to do this. One of the most popular and common ways, is to place ads on the website or blog that advertisers create using an ad creator software. These are usually located on the sidebar of the website, or at the end of the blog.

There are a wide variety of ads to choose from. The most commonly used are those that can be clicked on and pay per click, while others also pay per impressions. The software also makes some difference, and two of the most popular pieces of advertising software are WordAds and Google AdSense. This article will compare both of these.

About WordAds and AdSense



Google has designed AdSense as a part of their Google Advertising Network. Every website or blog owner should have a degree of knowledge about this piece of software, as it is very important for monetizing the website or a blog.

AdSense is known as the best piece of software to make or generate money online by displaying ads. Basically, when a website owner signs up for AdSense, he asks Google for permission to display their ads on their website or applies for their ads.

AdSense is perhaps one of the fastest-growing and increasingly popular platforms on the web but is it the best?

Most of the users online and website owners have a certain degree of knowledge about this software, and it is one of the first things people think about when discussing online monetizing. For good reason many people praise AdSense as the best and easiest way to earn money online using ads. It is intuitive to use and can be very lucrative if you can generate enough interest on your site. It can be used by professionals and beginners alike and is usually the first monetizing software recommended for beginners.



However WordAds is also an important piece of monetizing software.. This software is a worthy competitor to Google’s AdSense so it is good to make the comparisons..

WordAds is an advertising network owned by Automattic, which is the same company that owns WordPress so we can expect that the software will inevitably be a highly collaborative part of many WordPress sites. WordAds mainly monetizes websites that are hosted through WordPress as well as on self-hosted sites.

It is also the only form of advertising that is allowed on WordPress so nearly all websites using WordPress will use WordAds, unless you pay for the premium software package. WordAds software is very good, and many users have generated quite a lot of wealth from it.

You only receive a shared amount through advertising if you generate enough interest on your site. Traffic is key for generating income with this piece of software, because it generates money through impressions, not clicks which means the more traffic you generate, the more money you receive through advertising. According to WordAds, your website would need a couple of thousand website views each month to generate money.

Now we’ll compare WordAds vs AdSense using certain factors.

Application Process

We’ll begin with the application process. The login and the registration processes are relatively easy for both. You have to wait for about 7 days to get accepted at Adsense, whereas WordAds accepts your application immediately if you are successful..



Only WordPress users can apply for WordAds, and only websites that are managed by WordPress can join. For self-hosted websites, you will have to install Jetpack and use the Premium or Professional plan to be eligible for WordAds.

Sometimes, users receive an initial rejection from WordAds but even ifit takes multiple applications, it costs nothing. For a better chance of acceptance, you need at least 1000, perhaps more, visitors per month (counting unique visitors only).

This is because of the sheer number of websites created on a daily basis through WordPress, and they have decided they cannot monetize every single webpage. They also use the following criteria for selecting the websites:

  • Owning a custom domain through WordPress or as a self-hosted site is the most important rule when it comes to WordAds, and is the first requirement for application. If you have a regular WordPress account, you can connect it with a custom domain.
  • You should install Jetpack and connect it to your account. It is important because the software is also made by the same company that owns WordAds.
  • Lastly, you should generate enough traffic to qualify for WordAds; at least 1000 unique visitors per month, and thousands of views per month.

Another way to get instant access to WordAds is by obtaining a Premium, Business, or eCommerce plan which enables you to use it from the start. The application process is vital for free bloggers and websites with bigger traffic who can apply for WordAds.

Once you have completed the application, they will review it and notify you of their decision through email.



The application process is also different between WordAds and AdSense. Google AdSense uses human beings to process applications so it takes longer.

The process of approval with AdSense is

firstly, register for an AdSense account by visiting AdSense.com and provide all the required information: name, address, website URL, and more.


Secondly, log into your account and find the codes generated then enter these codes in your blog’s sidebar. After you enter the codes, the ads will be placed on your site, but this does not mean that you have been approved for AdSense. You might have to wait a few more days for approval but in the meantime, don’t remove the ads from your site.

After the approval, you will receive an email confirming your application. Then you will be able to start earning; for each $10, you will get a PIN code to receive the payment.


You will receive payments from Google through your preferred banking plan for every $100. However, there are some requirements to be eligible for AdSense. These include:

  • High-quality, unique content
  • Compliance with the program of AdSense, which you can review before signing up. These policies and terms and conditions can change at any time, so stay up to date.
  • Your age should be 18 or over.

What About Payments?

The most important part of comparing WordAds and AdSense is of course the payments. How do you receive payments, how do they work, and how much can you expect to earn from each?

The payments and how much you receive can fluctuate, and you cannot expect to make the same amounts every month. How much you make will depend on your visitor rates, which will inevitably vary from month to month. In some cases, your payments will depend on the clicks, and also on impressions.

The varying factors that determine your payment include:

  • Traffic you generate
  • The location of the people visiting your site (North American visitors tend to generate more)
  • How your advertisers rate your visitors (based on cookies)
  • Ad-blocking software
  • Competition in your niche
  • The quality of the ads displayed.



WordAds allow you to accumulate a decent amount of money, although it does take effort on your part, and high-quality content.

The biggest difference between WordAds and AdSense is that the former generates income through impressions, or through CPM (cost per thousand page views).


This means that the more visitors you have, the more income is generated from the ads. Also, you can expect to earn more with an increase in unique visitors. This can be easier to achieve than via AdSense, which works or pays through clicks.

For example, if you get 5000-6000 visitors, this is converted to about 6000 impressions, for which you will receive about $4, or $4.50. While that is not a large amount, as your website grows you will receive more.

Also, you will only get paid once you earn $100 and the payments are via PayPal.


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The rest of the article is down below.


An advantage of AdSense is the income is generated through clicks and publishers receive 68% of all the revenue generated by advertising. As with WordAds, the higher your numbers, the more substantial your payment.

Each click will generate from $0.20 to $15, depending on the quality and type of ad. High-quality content is important, and you can expect to receive more for this. Generally, the amount of each click can fluctuate by around $3.

An advantage of AdSense is that you can receive payments through various methods: EFT payments are supported as well as SEPA payments, wire transfers, and checks.

FAQs about WordAds vs AdSense

1. What is the difference between WordAds and AdSense?

WordPress's parent company, Automattic, oversees WordAds, a program for monetizing WordPress websites. Publishers can make money by showing adverts on their websites thanks to the ad network AdSense, which is owned by Google. Although both platforms deliver ads and pay publishers, WordAds is designed specifically for WordPress websites, whereas AdSense can be applied to any website.

2. Which platform is better for monetizing a WordPress website, WordAds or AdSense?

This is heavily influenced by the needs and objectives of the website owner. WordAds is an easy way to monetize a WordPress website because it is directly connected with WordPress. However, AdSense is a well-known and reliable platform with a larger advertiser pool, which could result in higher earnings. It is advised to test both and determine which is more effective for your website.

3. Can I use both WordAds and AdSense on my website simultaneously?

It is not permitted to use WordAds and AdSense simultaneously because doing so is against both platforms' terms of service. To display adverts, website owners must pick one or the other.

4. How does the revenue share compare between WordAds and AdSense?

Publishers receive revenue sharing from both WordAds and AdSense, although the precise ratio varies. While AdSense offers a variety of revenue shares depending on the type of ads displayed, WordAds has a fixed revenue share of 50%.

5. Is it easier to get approved for WordAds or AdSense?

As long as the website satisfies the minimal traffic standards, WordAds is typically easy to obtain approved for. AdSense may take longer to accept because of its stricter approval requirements, which include website quality, content, and traffic.

6. Which platform provides better ad targeting and customization options, WordAds or AdSense?

AdSense offers more sophisticated choices for ad targeting, such as targeting based on user demographics, interests, and browsing habits. Though WordAds' customization options are more constrained, its advertisements are specially made for the WordPress platform and its users.

7. Are the ad formats and types different between WordAds and AdSense?

Display, text, and video advertising are just a few of the ad formats that are available on both platforms. AdSense, on the other hand, specializes in display ads while WordAds offers a wider variety of ad formats, including native and mobile in-app ads.

8. Can I use WordAds or AdSense on a non-WordPress website?

Any website that satisfies AdSense's eligibility requirements is eligible to use it. On the other hand, WordAds is exclusive to WordPress websites and cannot be used on any other type of website.

9. What are the minimum traffic requirements for using WordAds or AdSense?

Depending on where the website's traffic originates, different locations have different WordAds minimum traffic requirements. A website must receive at least 1000 visits per month to qualify for WordAds in the US. A website must have had at least 1000 pageviews per day for six months in order for AdSense to be approved.

10. How does the payment process differ between WordAds and AdSense?

Both platforms accept payments by cheque or electronic funds transfer (EFT), but their payment criteria and schedules are different. AdSense has a payment threshold of $100 and pays out when the threshold is reached, while WordAds pays out monthly and has a payment threshold of $100, depending on the payment method selected.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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