How to Remove the Proudly Powered by WordPress Message
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How to Remove the Proudly Powered by WordPress Message

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After hours and hours of making your website look great, you take a step back from your work and admire what you've accomplished. The header looks perfect, the content layout is mesmerizing, and the site seems ready to be published. Yet when you turn your attention to the footer, you notice the tiny message saying: "Proudly Powered by WordPress"– all of your hard work being credited under the big name of WordPress. How disappointing!

The good news is that you can remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress" in just a few steps, and it’s all legal. Everything about how to change the default WordPress footer will be discussed in this short article, so drop your despair and read on to learn how to give your work the credit it deserves.

What Does the Note Represent?


For those who don’t know what "Proudly Powered by WordPress" is, a short explanation may be required. It is a message that pops up in the footer of all websites powered by WordPress, whenever you use a standard WordPress theme. Even though the credit note is not harmful in any way for a smaller website, if you have big plans for yours then you will naturally want to take credit for how the site works and looks. Some people may want to remove this message simply because it looks unprofessional.

It is worth mentioning that the "Proudly Powered by WordPress" message is present on all default themes developed by the team behind WordPress, such as Twenty Seventeen and Twenty Sixteen. If you use one of these themes, the process of removing the footer message will be different, but not impossible. Below you will find different approaches to remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress" from your theme.

Hide It Using CSS

This is a beginner-friendly method that you should try first. It works with most WordPress themes and it doesn’t require deep programming knowledge. The downside is that search engines view the act of hiding content with CSS as possibly deceptive, so this approach might affect your site’s SEO. If you decide that this option is the best for you, add the following CSS code line to your site:

.site-info{display: none;}

Keep in mind that there are a few ways in which you can add CSS to your site. The easiest way is by using WordPress’ native feature that can be accessed by anyone. To do it, follow these steps:

  • Access your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Appearance
  • Click Customize and then Additional CSS
  • Add the line of code mentioned above in the CSS box
  • The message is now hidden

The Customize feature is useful because you can see the changes you make in realtime . This means that you can’t make mistakes and ruin the appearance of your website. You should only remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress", making no other changes to the code. After you’re positive that nothing else is changed, hit Publish.

Use the Footer.php File

If you’ve played with WordPress before, you probably know how to edit files in the root folder. The "Proudly Powered by WordPress" message is located in the footer.php file. The code section of this file contains the exact message that pops up on your website. You can customize this file directly from WordPress’ Appearance section, using the Editor, or you can edit the file yourself and upload it back to the server. The steps below will teach you how to edit the file using the WordPress admin panel.

  • Log in to the WordPress Dashboard using your Admin account
  • Navigate to Appearance and then Editor
  • Select the theme file that you want to edit, in this case, “Theme Footer”
  • Edit the PHP code by removing the lines related to "Proudly powered by…"

The file location will be different if you use a parent theme like Twenty Seventeen. The file can be found here: template-parts/footer/site-info.php. The code is similar, and you can edit it using the same steps mentioned above.

Try the Theme Settings Page

Some theme developers are aware that users will do everything in their power to remove the credits from the footer, so they make it simpler for everyone by allowing users to switch off the credits’ appearance in their theme settings area directly. Considering that themes are quite different, you might find this setting under different parts of the settings panel or you might not find it at all. It all depends on the developer. The first place you should look is the WordPress theme customizer that you can find under Appearance.

Here is how the settings panel looks for a theme developed by Michael Hyatt:


For those who don’t understand how to remove "Powered by WordPress" using these methods, there are plugins that can do the job automatically. The Remove Footer plugin may help, although it only works with WordPress’ default themes. Some developers have made their themes compatible with such plugins as well, but it's not guaranteed to work. You will be required to find, download, install, and activate a suitable plugin in order to remove the footer credits. Before choosing this method, keep in mind that all you have to do to remove the footer message manually is to copy and paste a line of code in a specific section of your site.

In case you are certain that you might ruin the code if you try something by yourself, the plugin method will do the job just fine. Just like a WordPress SMS plugin which is very easy to use. Don’t take any risks when you know for sure that your skills are quite rusty and there’s a slight chance to break your site. When modifying the code manually, you will have to do it again every time the theme is updated because the code will revert back to normal, unless you are using a child theme.

By using the plugin mentioned above to remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress", you stay away from using any lines of code. The plugin has just one feature to keep the interface simple and easy to use, even for those who have never used a plugin before. It shows two text boxes. One is for typing in the text you need to find and the other one is for typing in the text you want to replace it with. This way, you can be certain that nothing else besides that specific line will be modified in the process.

Is It Legal?


When you decide to remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress" from a site, legal aspects might become a concern. Luckily, WordPress is an open-source platform, which means that you can use it and modify it to your heart's desire. It is free and licensed under GPL (General Public License), which allows people to use WordPress, change it, and redistribute it. This also applies for the themes and plugins included in the official listing.

Some commercial platforms that you pay for before using are also covered by this license, which means you can modify them as well. Pay attention to those themes whose developers clearly specify that you can’t modify anything about them. These themes are quite rare, however.

FAQ on removing the proudly powered by WordPress message

Why do people want to remove the "Proudly powered by WordPress" message?

Well, you see, many folks want their sites to look more professional or unique. Having that default footer message can kinda give away that you're using a free theme or haven't customized much. It's all about branding and making a site your own, ya know?

Is it legal to remove the WordPress footer credit?

Absolutely! WordPress is open-source, which means you're free to tweak, modify, and play around with it. However, always check the theme's license. Some might have specific terms. But generally, you're good to go.

Will removing the message affect my website's performance?

Nah, not at all. It's just a tiny piece of text. Removing it won't speed up or slow down your site. But, it might make you feel a tad bit better about your site's aesthetics.

Can I replace the message with my own text?

For sure! Instead of just yanking it out, you can replace it with something that vibes with your brand. Maybe a copyright notice or a cheeky little message. It's your playground!

What if I can't find the footer message in my theme?

Ah, some themes can be sneaky! If it's not in the footer.php file, it might be somewhere else, maybe in a theme settings page or a customizer. Keep digging, or ask the theme developer. They'll point you in the right direction.

Do I need to know coding to remove the message?

Not necessarily. Many themes offer an option in the settings to turn it off. But if you're diving into the code, a basic understanding of HTML and PHP can be helpful. Don't stress, though. There are plenty of tutorials out there.

Can I redirect or hide the WordPress message instead of removing it?

Oh, you're getting crafty! Yes, you can use CSS to hide it or even use a redirect to change where it points. But remember, hiding with CSS doesn't truly remove it. It's just out of sight.

What if I mess up my site trying to remove it?

Been there, done that! Always, and I mean always, backup your site before making changes. If something goes haywire, you can restore it. And if you're unsure, ask a friend or hire a pro. Better safe than sorry.

Are there plugins that can help with this?

You betcha! There are plugins for almost everything in WordPress. Some can help you remove or replace the footer message without diving into code. Just make sure to choose a well-rated one.

What's the big deal about this message anyway?

Well, to some, it's no biggie. But for others, it's about having a polished, professional look. It's like wearing a tailored suit instead of an off-the-rack one. Both work, but one just feels a bit more "you."


WordPress is indeed a great Content Management System and the footer message won’t bother you in any way other than aesthetically. However, if the credits make your site look unprofessional or you’d like to receive the praise for your hard work, you will need to remove "Proudly Powered by WordPress" from the footer (and perhaps, replace it with your own signature message). Removing it will only benefit your site's image.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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