Be Theme Blog
July 5, 2019


Desc If you’ve just encountered the “ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH” error, you’re probably thinking, “What the heck?” Worry not, for help is at hand! Hold on to your hat because we’re going to explain what this bewildering error is, why it appears, and how to fix it. What Does The Error Mean? Although […]
July 4, 2019

Fixed: The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesizeDirective in php.ini

Desc WordPress is reliable, but that doesn’t mean it is entirely error-free. Every now and then you will encounter errors that seem to put you in a tough spot. One notorious example is the error: “the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini”. This error shows up whenever a […]
May 24, 2019

Restaurant Website Design: Great Looking Sites to Check Out

Desc Website design for restaurants is a demanding artistic process and it doesn’t end with good looks and tasty photos. You also have to invest resources into making it responsive, functional, and effective for your purposes – that is, to get people to come and eat. In the hospitality industry, […]
May 7, 2019

Website vs Blog: What’s the Difference and Which One to Use

Desc Ever wondered what is the difference between a website and a blog? It’s pretty difficult to understand unless you fully know the definition and uses of each. This article is meant to clarify the age-old website vs. blog confusion once and for all. Both the terms blog and website […]
April 10, 2019

How to fix the HTTP error when uploading images to WordPress

Desc When we work online, we can expect a variety of errors and problems that can turn out to be a real headache. We know all about that! From connectivity problems to deadly errors that can block everything, you better learn all the WordPress hacks. One of the most common […]
March 11, 2019

The best software websites to inspire yourself from

Desc All organizations want their website to inspire visitors to get to the next level, and that is buying their product/service or contacting them. This is what is known as conversion, which is when leads convert into users. If your website’s getting a lot of traffic, but the number of […]
February 12, 2019

Website inspiration: where to look for the recent design trends

Desc All web designers have to gather their website inspiration from somewhere. Without proper inspiration, they can’t come up with unique ideas for their projects, which could affect their entire career. Having a go-to website inspiration list is always a good idea for people who work in this industry. For […]
November 29, 2016

November – The Latest Pre-Built Websites

The pre-built websites we have launched to date address the major website types and many the most popular website niches.  We are presently looking into the needs of the increasing number of web designers who are working with small businesses. Our support team has been listening to the suggestions of […]
November 22, 2016

Designing Photography Websites

A typical photography website’s objective is to show off photos or images in a way that will attract new clients. This is somewhat different than most business websites, where the primary objective is to make a sale. Insofar as photograph is an art form, a photography website is also different […]
November 15, 2016

Trends in Web Design – Video Backgrounds

Keeping up with the latest trends in web design is not only important but interesting and rewarding as well. Video backgrounds offer a beautiful way to spice up your homepages, while at the same time delivering an emotional message, or telling a story about a business, a product, or a […]
November 8, 2016

How to Create an Effective Web Design Brief Template

Web designers are usually up to speed on the latest design trends, but they can still benefit from tips on how to best go about their business, how to work from a plan, or how to help a client put together a detailed, workable, web design brief according to website […]
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