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September 30, 2023

How to Remove the Proudly Powered by WordPress Message

Desc After hours and hours of making your website look great, you take a step back from your work and admire what you’ve accomplished. The header looks perfect, the content layout is mesmerizing, and the site seems ready to be published. Yet when you turn your attention to the footer, […]
September 30, 2023

How to Backup a WordPress Site Easily

Desc For all the work that you’ve put into your WordPress site, it is a terrifying reality that everything can be lost in an instant due to hardware failure or some other misfortune. Imagine how difficult it would be to lose a website that has consumed so much of your […]
September 27, 2023

Sucuri vs Wordfence: Which One You Should Use On Your Website

What is the biggest enemy of your online business or Web presence? Yes, those malicious hacking attacks everybody fears. Luckily we have allies that help us protect our online version of ourselves. Now, who’s got your website’s back? Sucuri vs Wordfence is the debate on the table.
September 27, 2023

The Best WordPress Migration Plugins to Copy Your Site Safely

Desc Cloning a website is a common practice, as it gives webmasters the opportunity to move their site over to an entirely new platform or server for whatever reason. For instance, some may want to switch their business niche yet maintain the website template they already used for their first […]
September 24, 2023

How to Remove Query Strings from Static Resources and Speed up Your Site

There is a common question that comes up while learning how to improve the performance of WordPress. The question is: how to remove query strings from static resources? If this has been on your mind, but you were afraid that the solution is too technical for you, fear not.
September 20, 2023

Fixing the Defer Parsing of JavaScript Warning in WordPress

Desc Although WordPress provides an out-of-the-box platform on which to build your website, there are many easy tweaks you can perform to make WordPress even better. One of these tweaks is to defer the parsing of JavaScript so that WordPress loads your various scripts (included in plugins, themes, etc.) right […]
September 13, 2023

Wix to WordPress Migration: How to Do It with No Errors

Are you thinking about building a website? It’s easy to get discouraged by the complexity of creating from scratch. Yet, times are changing. With new technologies comes quicker, easier ways to get things done, and this is ever true in the world of website building.
September 13, 2023

How to translate pages with the WPML plugin in MuffinBuilder

Desc So you’ve got a great blog, website, or online shop, and your visitors love it. You want it to reach as many people around the world as possible, but there’s a problem: it’s only available in English.If you are interested in adding more than just one language to your […]
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