How To Solve The Failed To Open Stream Error In WordPress
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How To Solve The Failed To Open Stream Error In WordPress

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The ‘failed to open stream’ message is a common error that WordPress users experience. At first, it may not be clear how to fix it.

But there’s no need to be an expert in coding to resolve the problem.

There are a few possible reasons for the malfunction. Each one requires a different solution.

This guide points out the most common causes of the error message. There are also some useful tips on how to correct it.

Common Causes of the Failed To Open Stream Error


What exactly is the ‘failed to open stream’ error? This malfunction occurs when WordPress is unable to load a file mentioned in the code script.

Sometimes the page will seem to continue loading and will present a warning message. In other cases, users may see a fatal error and the WordPress page won't load at all.

So what are some common roots of the ‘failed to open stream’ error? Usually, the message identifies the problem and narrows down the steps needed to fix it.

It may say operation failed, permission denied, or no such file in the directory.

Depending on the root cause, the message should lead to the source of the problem. The error message may look like this:

Warning: require(/home/website/wp-includes/load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/website/wp-settings.php on line 19
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘/home/website/wp-includes/load.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php/:/usr/share/php5/’) in /home/website/wp-settings.php on line 19

Or users could get this kind of ‘failed to open stream‘ error:

Last Error: 2018-04-04 14:52:13: (2) HTTP Error: Unable to connect: open(compress.zlib:// failed to open stream: operation failed’

Understanding the reasons why the error occurs can help to manage it efficiently. Below are the possible methods for fixing the issue.

How to Correct the 'Failed To Open Stream' Error

The process of fixing the error will depend on the root cause.

The error message can vary. So the first step in correcting the issue is to read the error message carefully.

It will pinpoint the source of the problem. Then you can take corresponding steps to resolve it.

The following section of this article considers how to fix 4 causes of the 'failed to open stream' error. They are:

1. no such file or directory

2. permission denied

3. plugin errors

4. operation failed

How to Fix No Such File Or Directory


If you get this error message, check which file is indicated on that specific line in the code.

Having identified the corrupted file, see if the spelling of the name is correct. It could be as simple as that.

If the file in question is a theme or a plugin, try to reinstall it. Deactivating and reactivating it usually solves the issue.


Another possible cause could be a missing .htaccess file in the root folder. The solution is to recreate the .htaccess file.


To do that, log in to the WordPress Dashboard. In the menu on the left select Settings> Permalinks.

Make the necessary changes and don't forget to save them. This should fix the error.

How to Fix Permission Denied


This error message means that WordPress requires a permission to access the file or directory indicated in the code.

It's not uncommon to have different permissions for certain website files. It enables owners to allow access only to specific users.


This setup can be the root cause of the Permission denied error. Changing the permissions setup will fix the problem.

After logging into your WordPress website via an FTP client, locate the root folder. Then right-click on it and choose File Permissions.


All folders should have a permission of 744 or 755.

Before applying the modifications, check the boxes ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ and ‘Apply to directories only’. Finally click on Save/OK.

Next, check the permissions setup for the files. The correct value is 644 or 640.

How to Fix Plugin Errors


There are different types of plugin issues that can be the cause of the ‘failed to open stream’ error.

As mentioned earlier, it may be necessary to reinstall certain plugins. This simple step could fix the problem.

Other plugins use scripts from third-party sources, such as Google APIs. This needs to be set up correctly to avoid authentication and access problems.


Many WordPress theme contributors are not official WordPress developers. Some plugins haven't had thorough testing and may not provide smooth integration.

For those experiencing issues with a particular plugin, try contacting its developer. However, be aware that they could charge for extra support.

Support forums are a great source of tips and advice on how to fix plugin errors.

Another idea is to visit the plugin’s website. Search through the FAQs to see if other users have encountered the same problem.

Most likely you're not the first person facing the error.

How to Fix Operation Failed


In this case, the root problem is a failure to authenticate or an incorrect access method.

This malfunction can be caused by plugins that load scripts from third-party APIs. Some may be using sources like Google Analytics, Facebook APIs, Google Maps, etc.

There may be a specific procedure or authentication needed to access them.

To fix this error it’s necessary to contact the developer. They’ll be able to look at the problem in detail and offer an appropriate solution.

Becoming More Efficient In Fixing Common Errors


The ‘failed to open stream error' is just one of many common issues that WordPress users experience.

Sooner or later, everyone runs into a problem that interrupts their site operation. It can be due to updates, code modifications, and many other reasons.

Encountering an error message can be frustrating. After all, customers need to be able to access your platform and enjoy its content.

It is impossible to avoid errors completely. But it is possible to become more efficient at fixing them.

The most important of all practices is to always keep an updated backup of your site. This way, site owners won't lose any valuable data and can quickly restore the latest look of their page.

Another good practice is to learn more about the most common WordPress errors. With articles such as this one, even beginners can improve their understanding.


Finally, use online resources to find a solution for the errors that arise. You can count on Support forums and useful tips from the WordPress user community.

Following these simple steps should speed up the troubleshooting process.

FAQ about the failed to open stream error in WordPress

What causes the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

When using WordPress, the "failed to open stream" error usually means that the system can't find the file or directory that was mentioned in the code. There are many things that can cause this error, such as wrong file permissions, missing files or directories, conflicts with plugins or themes, or problems with how the server is set up.

How can I fix the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

You can try the following things to fix the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress: check the file permissions, make sure the file or directory exists, turn off plugins or themes that cause conflicts, fix server configuration problems, or reinstall WordPress core files.

What should I do if I get the "failed to open stream" error when uploading an image?

If you get the "failed to open stream" error when you try to upload an image in WordPress, you can check the file permissions, increase the PHP memory limit, turn off plugins that cause problems, or change the file format of the image. You can also try uploading the image using the media library instead of the visual editor.

Can a plugin or theme cause the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

Yes, if there is a problem with the code or file structure, a plugin or theme can cause the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress. You can fix this by turning off the plugin or theme that is causing the problem or switching to a different one.

Is there a way to prevent the "failed to open stream" error from occurring in WordPress?

To stop the "failed to open stream" error from happening in WordPress, you can keep your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes updated to the latest version, make sure file permissions are set correctly, use a reliable hosting service, and regularly back up your website.

What should I do if the "failed to open stream" error persists after trying different solutions?

If the "failed to open stream" error keeps coming up even after you've tried different fixes, you can ask your web host or the WordPress support community for help. They can help figure out what the problem is and how to fix it.

How do I identify the file or directory that is causing the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

You can use the error log files, debug mode, or a plugin like Query Monitor or Debug Bar to find the file or directory that is causing the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress. These tools will help figure out where the error is and what caused it.

Can file permissions cause the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

Yes, the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress can be caused by the wrong permissions on a file. To avoid this error, you must make sure that the file permissions are correct. WordPress suggests setting permissions for files to 644 and permissions for directories to 755.

What should I do if I get a "failed to open stream" error when trying to access a specific page on my WordPress site?

If you try to go to a certain page on your WordPress site and get a "failed to open stream" error, you can try turning off any plugins that could be causing the problem, clearing your browser's cache, or using a different browser. If the error keeps happening, you can look for problems with files or directories in the code of the page in question.

How do I troubleshoot the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress?

You can try the following steps to fix the "failed to open stream" error in WordPress: Check for problems with files or directories, turn off plugins or themes that conflict with each other, make sure file permissions are correct, increase PHP's memory limit, look for server configuration problems, and ask for help from the WordPress support community.

Ending thoughts on fixing the failed to open stream error

There are a few possible reasons for the ’Failed to Open Stream’ error. The most common error message details are ‘no such file or directory’, ‘permission denied’, plugin errors, and ‘operation failed’.

This article presented some easy tips for WordPress users, including beginners. It explained how to fix each of these issues, and how users can solve WordPress errors in the future.

If you enjoyed reading this article on fixing the failed to open stream error, you should check out this one about WordPress failed to import media.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like failed to load resource error, WordPress posting to Facebook done automatically, how to reorder pages in WordPress and WordPress updating failed error.

Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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