What is Toolset and how to use it on a WordPress Site
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What is Toolset and how to use it on a WordPress Site

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We know the challenge of building a strong WordPress website if you’re not a programmer, and the need to buy countless individual plugins to achieve your goals. However, with Toolset you have an innovative pack of plugins, allowing you to easily construct your new website.

WordPress has limited possibilities for storing data and publishing them on your website., An external source, such as the Toolset suite can help you overcome this issue. This pack has an intuitive interface, which enables you to work on multiple elements simultaneously. You can also immediately post information that has been stored in Toolset.

WordPress and Toolset are a great combination. Your content management system will flow smoothly using Toolset. This article describes the best functions of Toolset, as well as answering the following questions:

  • What is Toolset?
  • Which of Toolset’s plugins will improve your work?
  • What are the specific applications for Toolset’s plugins?
  • Who should use Toolset?
  • Is Toolset costly?

What Plugins does Toolset work with?

The purpose of Toolset is to help both professionals and beginners in this domain, enabling you to complete in hours what normally takes a week. Most importantly, you don’t need any coding knowledge to successfully manage this new system.

Toolset’s biggest attraction is its capacity to display the information using customizable templates. Thus the website owner controls the content to use as they please.

The developers carefully chose the plugins for Toolset’s pack, to ensure they work perfectly together. These are the Toolset plugins you can use :



This plugin is intuitive and efficient. It works best with displaying content on the front end with display options from a variety of lists, columns, templates, and archive pages.

Block also sets up custom searches, which help your viewer to surf your website.

Post Types


This plugin enables you to manage custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. The plugin lets you sort the type of archives or collections, to improve your organization. You simply add new posts with the name of the collection where it is to be stored.

You can then visually differentiate them with the help of custom templates and design.

Post Types also connects and links the information inside your website.



Every good website has at least one form, even if only for subscription. The plugin Forms will help you set them up on the front end. The process will be easy and automatic, which is advantageous for you and your viewers. Forms will send each of your visitors an email when they submit a form.

This plugin is mostly recommended for websites that require membership or other types of content submission.



Drag and drop is one of the Internet’s best inventions. Every editing software works on this principle, including Access.

This plugin helps you edit, customize, and rebuild the interface of your website and how people can interact with it. Choose your editor’s role and assign them special parts of content to work with. Access allows you to limit access to the administrator only, if necessary, making role assignments much easier.

Toolset allows you to create your own roles in the company – subscriber, manager, or special editor. Access enables you to give them whichever rights they need to perform.



Views will help you discover the best way to display your content, with 5 versions to choose from.

This plugin is part of Toolset due to its ability to personalize WooCommerce websites. It is most useful when setting the custom searching on the website, enabling buyers to have quick access to their desired products. The seller benefits from the resultant high conversion rate.



CRED will help if you want to include your viewers in your website construction. It is a front-end form builder that preserves the content that users type on your database, and does not require coding.

You can also use CRED as a registration form builder, and if required, it allows visitors without an account to also edit the content.



Layouts is a superb custom content builder.

This plugin helps you take advantage of all WordPress’ perks. Layouts allows you to redesign a page from scratch and emphasize the elements you consider to be most important.



Maps is a plugin that helps you insert custom Google Maps sections, thus is helpful for completing the “Contact us” section of the website, with your company’s address.

This insertion improves the company's professional appearance, thus increasing the conversion rate during campaigns.

While all of the above-mentioned Toolset components are incredibly powerful, Types and Views are the most frequently used and popular plugins. Nevertheless, all are strongly recommended.

What Can You Do with Toolset and why is it so helpful?

You may still be wondering why Toolset is such a good solution for your problems. The answer lies in the most popular functions of Toolset.

Once you install all the plugins, you will be able to do of the followings:

Create Custom Post Types and Taxonomies


As mentioned above, custom post types can be built with the Types plugin, especially if you find the default options from WordPress insufficient for your goals.

For example, your next custom type of content is an online bookstore. As this content is entirely different from the rest, you have to label it appropriately. Therefore you now simply create a new submit sort known as “books.”. From this moment on, each piece of content with this label will be separately posted.

If you want to differentiate it visually, you can use a variety of templates, fonts, or change the color or design. The new material will always be in a distinctive format.

Another important function of Toolset is the construction of customized taxonomies.


The WordPress equivalent are tags and classes, however, Toolset lets you also set customized names and build a content scheme. The greatest advantage of this system is its assistance for users surfing your website. They can sort the information by taxonomy and find what is of major interest to them.

You can apply them to new post types and also use the taxonomy on the old ones. The interface is intuitive so that even a non-experienced developer will successfully create taxonomies and post types.

Create Custom Fields


The Types plugin from Toolset enables you to create custom fields that will eventually be used to store more information.

The first step is to create a separate group, which can later contain as many fields as you need. The standard field consists of title, content, date of appearance, and a representative image. However, you can always edit and change its structure. Thus, through the editor page, you can add any type of information you may need.

Create Custom Views of Your Content


The Viewer plugin’s purpose is to display content in unique ways, based on a single previously set question. Start by choosing the fundamental material you wish to include in your view and then let the users decide further. The entire process is accessible and user-friendly due to Viewer’s intuitive interface.

When you’ve mastered this process, you can proceed by editing the sorting and the displayed list. Be original and choose a different criterium apart from “post date” when listing your content. Other options are: last modification date, custom fields, post type, and others.

The last phase would be to create a query for the filter, letting you query the view by post information, taxonomies, or custom fields. For example, you could filter the view by the country taxonomy to show only the city guides from a specific set of countries.

Create Many-To-Many Relationships


Creating linking anchors between the pages on your website is of paramount importance. Toolset enables this due to the many-to-many relationships it creates.

For example, a tourist website may require linkage between the posts about “tours” and “tour guides”. Each of your guides may provide different types of tours. However, in order to assure flexibility, you need to link information regarding all of them. Provide your users with the pathways to information they require to optimize their choices.

Create Custom Website Layouts


Layouts allows you to create custom layouts and completely change the appearance of your design, using the drag-and-drop function. Layouts’ editor is user-friendly, letting you change the header, footer, or content area.

The only likely disadvantage could be that not all WordPress themes are compatible with the Layout changes. However, there is a solution to this problem. The plugin offers its own themes for your use, which are constantly updated and compatible with the Layouts customizations.

If you choose a different theme, you also adapt to Layouts by yourself. When this process is ready, you can let your imagination dictate how your pages will look.


Layouts also offers a few preset layouts, which add to the ability of the user to choose exactly in which part of content he/she wants to apply the changes. Choose between individual post types or separate special articles from the bunch.

After organizing the appearance of the new layout, you can add your new content and watch your website grow beautifully. You will be able to add all types of content, including YouTube videos, post content, sliders, and custom layout structures. Don’t forget about the custom view. Combine Layouts with Views and your website will be truly transformed.

Create Repeater Fields


Repeater Fields are from the Advanced custom field plugin and the name of these fields reveals much about them. They are used to organize repeating content into repeater groups when you don’t know the number of rows needed. In this case, you use the repeater fields, which will make sure all the content is displayed and well-positioned. Each Post can have a different number of sources but the pattern of displaying sources is the same.

Who should use Toolset?

Toolset was created to anticipate people’s needs and help them find all their solutions in a single place. It is really useful for inexperienced web builders, with minimal coding and programming knowledge.

What You Can Do with Toolset and Zero Programming Knowledge


Toolset enables you to build your website as though you have your own programmer by your side. With just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, Toolset will help you do the rest.

This is what Toolset can do for you:

  • Ensure connections between post types.
  • Create custom queries and display lists on the front end
  • Display custom fields and taxonomy
  • Build custom searches
  • Build forms and manage the results automatically Display information as markers on Google Maps
  • Help with task assignations and access control.

What Can You Do With Toolset and a Little Programming Knowledge


Toolset is highly extensible. Whatever you can do, it will respond to you with equal generosity. If you can write code lines, the possibilities are infinite. You can continuously work on enhancing your website.

The biggest advantage of a programmer using Toolset is the fact that he can gain valuable time. Everything is quicker and easier with the help of Toolset.

  • Use WordPress as a workflow application by creating and assigning tasks.
  • Use custom shortcodes to display new types of fields
  • Integrate Views with non-HTML display engines

These add to Toolset’s front end and design functions. You can create custom and advanced layouts for your theme. Even if you need to adapt the theme to the upcoming changes, it will be worth it.

Is Toolset costly?


Toolset has two license types, both advantageous and promising. For only one site, the cost is $69/year. For $149/year, the number of sites is unlimited. The second time you buy an annual subscription you will receive a 25% discount.

You can buy additional plugins for an even more advanced experience, just ask Toolset about the individual offers.

Ending thoughts on the Toolset

Toolset can work wonders along with all the websites it fits onto. As long as you know how to enhance the functions of your website using Toolset, you'll have no performance issues.

Toolset makes the difference between simple and complex, well-performing websites. The plugins set up custom searches which are the key to a pleasant virtual experience. All types of users can receive Toolset's assistance and perform the work faster and more easily.

WordPress and Toolset go extremely well together, as you can combine Wordpress’s functions with customized taxonomies, customized fields, and built forms. All the content will be displayed according to your needs and tastes. This will be assured by Views and its preset question.

The solution to all compatibility issues is a Toolset compatible theme like Be Theme. It guarantees that all the customizations and functionality will perform well.

You can even take a glimpse of this pre-built website from BeTheme created with Toolset. You can create something like this easily. You could also use this pre-built website and just edit it if you already have Be Theme.

If you enjoyed reading this article on how to use toolset, you should check out this one about how to embed a google form in WordPress.

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Albert Ślusarczyk
Albert Ślusarczyk
As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.
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