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November 22, 2019
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December 16, 2019If there’s one thing we can be sure about in web design, it’s that you should never underestimate the power of creativity. The basic tools available — e.g. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — might not seem like mind-blowing technologies, but in the right hands, they can produce some truly out-of-this-world creations.
From magnificent, interactive works of art that mesmerize to psychedelic visual explorations that make you go “Hmm”, there is an entire class of websites out there that can only be categorized as trippy to the max. And it is these websites that have inspired generations of Web-makers to reconsider what they thought was possible.
In this article, we’ve collected a list of the coolest and most trippy websites to inspire you and prove to you that even when you think you’ve seen it all… Well, scroll on — you’ll see!
The list of trippy websites
Falling falling
The website is called fallingfalling.com and this is all there is: a never-ending animated cascade of colored windows that fall to the bottom of the screen.
It may seem like a simple concept, but notice the effect it has on your perception. Can you feel yourself being drawn deeper and deeper into the screen? Amazing, isn’t it?
This website demonstrates a powerful visual technique that could perhaps be used to great effect on a smaller scale in your own designs. Or, you could just use it as a trippy screensaver to hypnotize anyone who might glance at your screen while you’re on lunch.
Zoom Quilt
Want to relax and fill your brain with images from a fantastic world? Trippy websites like Zoom Quilt are your best options. In Zoom Quilt, you will see different zooming images that loop seamlessly, taking you on a journey through an otherworldly realm of imagination.
If you’d rather encounter fewer monsters and more flora, have a look at the Arkadia Zoom Quilt, which takes you through an endless, dazzling sea-scape.
This simulator plays on the concepts of Turing patterns and reaction-diffusion systems to present an endlessly mesmerizing canvas that you can swirl and stir with your mouse at will. In real life, this is similar to the effect you see when you pour different types of food coloring into a clear jar of water.
Cosmic-Symbolism.com: A Virtual Planetarium
With Cosmic Symbolism, you can just sit back and start relaxing as you take a short trip into the cosmos and back. Although there isn’t that much variety to what you’re about to see, not many trippy websites have visuals as beautiful and breathtaking as this.
Barry Martin’s Hopalong Orbits Visualizer
Cleverbot is an AI-based chatbot that was launched in 1997 but at the time it wasn’t the smartest bot around. That’s because it learns from people. Having had over two decades of chatting with human interlocutors, Cleverbot now makes for quite the trippy experience, indeed.
Trippy websites that combine music and art are the best to go for. Patatap is one of these, and you need to check it. Each time you hit a key from A to Z, you get a random visual effect coupled to a random sound effect. Experiment with all the keys and create your own audiovisual art piece.
Cameron's World is an artistic tribute to the good old days of GeoCities websites, where every site was special in its own adorably retro way. It makes use of Archive.org’s WayBack Machine to showcase some of the most unusual and interesting GeoCities sites that are no longer available on the live Web.
If you think you need a dramatic trippy website, you reached the best one. The Revolving Internet turns your entire Web browsing experience into a topsy-turvy world that will put a huge foolish grin on your face.
Ending thoughts on these trippy websites
Still with us? Good — we thought we might’ve lost you there. As you can see, there are a lot of trippy websites that can be found online, many of which make use of little more than some clever HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.
We hope you enjoyed the list as much as we did!
If you enjoyed reading this article on list of trippy websites, you should check out this one about best startup websites.
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