

You can add this item with Builder item:
Attributes Description
Title Helper title
Tag Choose H1-H6 heading tag for title
Item 1 | Title Title of the first item
Item 1 | Content Content of the first item - Some shortcodes and HTML tags allowed
Item 1 | Link Item 1 link - Use if you want to link to another page instead of showing the content
Item 1 | Link target Link target - _self (default), _blank (new tab or window)
Item 1 | Link class This option is useful when you want to use prettyphoto or scroll
Item 2 | Title Title of the second item
Item 2 | Content Content of the second item - Some shortcodes and HTML tags allowed
Item 2 | Link Item 2 link - Use if you want to link to another page instead of showing the content
Item 2 | Link target Link target - _self (default), _blank (new tab or window)
Item 2 | Link class This option is useful when you want to use prettyphoto or scroll
Examples of use:
Pre-built website: Link: