
Blog News

You can add this item to website in 2 ways:
Attributes Description
Title Blog News item title
Posts number Number of posts to show
Style Select one of available styles
Options | Category Select the category from which one you want to show posts
Options | Multiple Categories Slugs should be separated with coma ( , )
Options | Order by Specify order posts by date, title, random
Options | Order Select: ascending or descending order
Advanced | Excerpt Slugs should be separated with coma ( , )
Advanced | Excerpt Select: hide, show or featured posts excerpt
Advanced | Button Link Button link (with http://)
Advanced | Button Title Button title
Custom | CSS classes Type your own class for the item - this is a useful option for those who want to create a special style.
For example: you can type my-class-big-font class and then go to BeTheme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS and write your own styles for this class:
.my-class-big-font { font-size:150% !important; font-weight:bold; }
Examples of use:
Pre-built website: Link: