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  • 1733

    Betheme Studio

    A collection of ready-made predefined sections, elements, headers, etc. ready to be used with a click.

  • 1332

    Form Builder

    Build various forms with powerful drag & drop builder and use as elements or shortcodes in places you want

  • 280

    Full Screen Scroll

    Scroll by sections on mouse wheel on desktop, mobile and tablets

  • 184

    Horizontal Scrolling Website

    Scroll pages horizontally

  • 123

    Banner Slider

    Light and easy to use slider for banners. Especially useful for WooCommerce stores to offer sales, promotions, etc...

  • 115

    Subheader Builder

    Build smart and efficient subheaders and assign them for specific pages, categories, etc...

  • Added in version


    WooCommerce Extensions

    Various WooCommerce Extensions for even better store management, like: Cart Builder, Checkout Builder, etc.

  • Added in version


    Conditional Logic

    Determine whether section, wrap or element should be rendered or not

  • Added in version


    Mobile Menu Builder

    Ability to build custom headers for mobile devices with BeBuilder

  • Added in version


    Performance / Speed

    Split theme files and load specific features when needed only. Avoid loading files (style, javascript, etc) when unnecessary.

  • Added in version


    Popup Builder

    Create awesome popups that you actually need and use when necessary

  • Added in version


    Dynamic Content

    Define content globally and later populate it per pages or posts, eg. logo, tagline, site title and much more

  • Added in version


    Reusable blocks/elements

    Save complete blocks or individually created elements and use them anywhere you like

  • Added in version


    Setup Wizard

    The Setup Wizard that will take you through all steps after theme installation. Choose between prebuilt websites import and building from scratch.

  • Added in version


    Footer Builder

    Build custom footers, customize elements or assign different footers for individual pages

  • Added in version


    Mega Menu Builder

    Design awesome menus with images and elements included into Betheme. Assign those menus for individual pages.

  • Added in version


    Header Builder 2.0

    More advanced Header Builder with conditions and CSS Flexible Box Layout.

  • Added in version


    Lottie Animation

    Lottie is an open source animation file format that’s tiny, high quality, interactive, and can be manipulated at runtime.

  • Added in version



    Save custom styles of elements and apply to same elements in different places across website

  • Added in version


    Advanced Content Management

    Control colors, typography, padding, alignment and much more for every single element in Muffin Live Builder & Muffin Builder

  • Added in version


    Dark Mode for Muffin Live Builder

    Additional option that lets enable dark mode style for Muffin Live Builder

  • Added in version


    Table of Contents

    A table of contents is a list of jump links that lead to different sections on a page or post. It can help search engine bots as well as humans to navigate.

  • Added in version


    WooCommerce Builder

    Design custom shop & single product pages with drag & drop functionality, assign templates and much more...

  • Added in version


    Infinite Auto Load for Posts

    Load posts endlessly as you scroll down the page

  • Added in version


    Single Pages Import

    Import any single page you like on pre-built websites on click. Quick and without overwriting the current styles of the template.

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