Lottie animation

Build interactive websites with the added benefits of Lottie animation. Easily drag & drop your Lottie and animate just how you like it. Engage users like never before.

Reach further

Reach those who have not involved your brand so far. Show your story in an accessible way and engage visitors with your message.

Perfect interaction

Involve the visitor in interacting with your website even more by triggering animations on behaviours, such as viewport, scroll, hover and click.

No coding required

Add animation without having to write a single line of code. All you have to do is browse free resources on lottiefiles.com or create your own animation in Adobe After Effects.

Scalable & mobile friendly

Based on vector graphics, resolution independent, scalable at run-time and looks perfect on any device, as desktop, tablets or mobile.

Lightweight, super small files

Lottie animations are lighter than any .png's or .gif's. It's like comparing dinosaur to a little puppy. File size significantly increases download speed.

Huge library easy to use

Choose between thousands of animations and use immediately by uploading a file or specifying a file path. It's that simple!

View resource

See more features

Check out other features that are so loved by our customers and maybe they will be useful for you while creating the website. All add-ons are available exclusively to Betheme users only.
